EPW049186 ENGLAND (1935). The Reyrolle Works and Sports Ground, Hebburn, 1935

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Pennawd [EPW049186] The Reyrolle Works and Sports Ground, Hebburn, 1935
Cyfeirnod EPW049186
Dyddiad September-1935
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 430420, 563847
Hydred / Lledred -1.5247811383618, 54.968239855552
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NZ304638


Victoria Rd west known locally as 'The High Road'

N Dunn
Saturday 15th of October 2016 10:40:23 AM
Hospital Drive a short road leading to the Fever Hospital

N Dunn
Saturday 15th of October 2016 10:39:03 AM
In the late 1950 some of this land was utilised for Allotments. They are still there today in 2014.

N Dunn
Saturday 28th of June 2014 10:11:36 AM
Somewhere in the centre between Langley Villas & Afton House is Heathfield House. (As per my 1912 Map). What a shame these properties were demolished to make way for Reyrolles expansion.

N Dunn
Saturday 28th of June 2014 10:09:55 AM
Reyrolle's Gatehouse which was where traffic in & out was controlled by the gate keeper.

N Dunn
Saturday 28th of June 2014 10:03:44 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 28th of June 2014 10:01:36 AM
Langley Villas

N Dunn
Saturday 28th of June 2014 10:00:59 AM
This was known as the Copperworks Pond. It was a man made reservoir & when the Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Company pulled out of Hebburn the reservoir was left unfenced & dangerous. Kids, myself included knew how dangerous it was. It was constructed with brick sides that sloped steeply to possibly 30ft deep. We used to catch sticklebacks in it in the late 1940s early 50s. One Saturday afternoon around 1950 ish a local lad called Colqhoun from William St area drowned in it. In previous years other children had drowned in it. Today Health & Safety would have made sure it had been filled in .

N Dunn
Tuesday 3rd of December 2013 02:48:26 PM
I remember this wooden bridge in the 50s. On this photo a rail track ran over it to the Staiths where Tenant's chemicals & raw products were loaded & unloaded. Amazingly I have a photo of that little bridge.

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 01:07:42 PM
The Tharsis Staiths where copper ore was brought in from their own mines in Spain. The finished copper ingots would also have been loaded onto boats here.

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:58:31 PM
There was a small terrace of houses that belonged to the Tenant's Chemical Works called 'Tyne View Tce'. A relative of mine rented the one closest to Prince Consort Rd from the 1930s through to the 1950s & it it's own tennis court, indoor bathroom & hot water & the remains of Tenant's telephone system. My rare photo shows part of the terrace

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:55:59 PM
The Reay Gear Works. Today this land at the bottom of Prince Consort Rd is a Housing Estate called 'Tyne View'

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:49:38 PM
Burn Heads Rd. My photo is spelt differently. The photo is looking towards Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:45:36 PM
Reyrolles. My late dad Billy Dunn was a 'Horizontal Borer' operator & he worked in Reyrolles 48 years.

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:42:12 PM

N Dunn
Friday 16th of August 2013 12:39:38 PM
Reyrolle's Sports Field

N Dunn
Monday 1st of July 2013 06:09:32 PM

N Dunn
Monday 1st of July 2013 06:08:46 PM
Where Tennant's Chemical Works was before demolition

N Dunn
Monday 1st of July 2013 06:08:22 PM
Tharsis Sulpher & Chemical Works

N Dunn
Monday 1st of July 2013 06:07:26 PM