EAW033932 ENGLAND (1950). The Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Pennawd [EAW033932] The Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Cyfeirnod EAW033932
Dyddiad 19-October-1950
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 430426, 563865
Hydred / Lledred -1.5246855003288, 54.968401254517
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NZ304639


This Prefab building held three St Aloysius Classrooms for girls approaching leaving school at 14/15

Tuesday 4th of June 2024 07:57:37 PM
Hebburn Cemetery's two little chapels. One was for Catholics and one was for Protestants. Even in death the different religions were kept apart because the Graves for the Catholics had to be in the RC section and graves for Protestants in the C of E section.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 04:15:18 PM
This land was used as the rubbish dump for a number of years. Known as 'the Tips'.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 04:09:43 PM
This rough road was a continuation of Prince Consort Rd and led to the Rubbish dump in the 40s and 50s. Hebburn UDC Bin Waggons drove back and forth and the rubbish will still be there today as it was covered over with soil and landscaped.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 04:08:06 PM
Rows of coal wagons. The coal was brought to the Staiths where the coal was loaded into the colliers. It came down from Springwell using gravity but controlled by a wire rope. Once emptied they'd be hauled back up.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 04:01:40 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:56:06 PM
St Rollox St

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:53:40 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:52:40 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:50:53 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:48:40 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:47:23 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:46:29 PM
The Gospel Hall on Victoria Rd west just yards west of the Station Rd junction traffic lights

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:43:27 PM
I remember this as Rounthwaites Garage and Petrol Station. Later it became Wards Garage and petrol station.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:40:18 PM
North Farm Rd. The bare land on the corner is where the owners of the Theatre which had just burned down in Oct 1950 built their replacement and called it 'The Rex' cinema.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:37:16 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:33:19 PM
Lambley Cres

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:32:14 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:31:10 PM
Burn Heads Road

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:30:16 PM
Hospital Drive, a short drive leading to the Fever Hospital

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:29:16 PM
St Cuthbert's school which was named 'Hedley Schools' after the Vicar and opened 1882. It is still in use today after some modernising work. Photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:22:10 PM
The modern coal Staiths which the Queen's mother opened in the 1930s.Photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:18:26 PM
Bede Metal Works

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:16:01 PM
The Foster-Blackett Lead Works.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:11:17 PM
Leslies Canteen. pics of it on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:07:38 PM
The Ellison Arms Hotel which became the 'Banks of the Tyne' . Photos of t on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:05:57 PM
This building on Bonnacord St was the Mid Tyne Ferries ticket office in the 50s when the Landing stage was straight down from it. I don't know if it was their office when the landing stage was next to Hawthorn Leslies wall as on the aerial image

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 03:02:55 PM
Hebburn's Mid Tyne Ferries landing. Passengers could get to Wallsend or Walker from here. A year or two later the floating landing was moved yards up stream just down from the property on Bonnacord St

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 02:58:33 PM
Ann St. Note the missing houses on the left. They were destroyed 9yrs earlier by a German bomb. The houses were never rebuilt and the gap can still be seen today.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 02:54:51 PM
Carr St which is slowly being demolished. The street was once the Quay area's main shopping street. Photos of it are on my free website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 02:52:18 PM
Martin's Bank which later became Barclays. Today it is a Funeral Home.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 02:49:56 PM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:56:07 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:54:58 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:53:45 AM
Craddock Ave

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:49:51 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:48:40 AM
Palmers Offices.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:46:43 AM
Railway Tce which stood where Lyon St/Waggonway Rd met

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:45:49 AM
The Caledonian Hotel on Lyon St/Tyne St corner. Photos of it are on my www.oldtyeside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:43:24 AM
Cuthbert St, a long street that ran from Prince Consort Rd to McIntyre St.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:41:01 AM
The derelict Theatre Royal which burned down Oct 7th 1950. It was sandwiched between Lyon St and Carr St. Next door on Prince Consort Rd corner was the Ellison House Hotel which was badly damaged with the fire. The Theatre was never rebuilt and the Rex Cinema on Victoria Rd was its replacement by the owners the Dawes brothers. The Ellison House Hotel reopened for a short time before it was demolished.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:38:32 AM
White's Marine offices which stood alongside Prince Consort Rd. Just behind the offices is the factory.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:30:20 AM
St Aloysius Infant School which opened in 1928. Photos on my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:27:44 AM
Campbell St. At the south end of the street was the 'wooden bridge' across the electrified South Shields to Newcastle railway line.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:25:21 AM
This was the Council Yard which not many years earlier was hit by a German Bomb killing quite a few workers.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:21:13 AM
Hedgeley Road which started at Station Rd and ended at Black Rd. The field behind the marker was the Pyrotenax football pitch. When I was at St Aloysius school in the 1950s we often used it for football because we had no field to play on. Today a housing estate called the Cornfields stands on the land

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:19:02 AM
Jutland Avenue, a long avenue stretching from Victoria Rd East to Campbell Park Rd.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:14:57 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:12:07 AM
Masonic Hall on Aln St/Whickham Rd corner

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:09:46 AM
The Newtown School which was sandwiched between Station Rd and Aln St.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:08:31 AM
A travelling fun fair set up on the spare land.

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:04:45 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 11:00:50 AM
North Drive which runs alongside the Reyrolles Sportsfield

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 10:59:16 AM
Canning St which runs from St John's Ave to Quarry road. It passes the ends of Hall Rd & Park rd

N Dunn
Saturday 22nd of October 2016 10:57:32 AM
Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Monday 3rd of October 2016 11:35:34 AM
Reyrolle's sports field.

N Dunn
Monday 3rd of October 2016 11:33:37 AM
This was the Nursery School at the top of Prince Consort Rd opposite Argyle St junction.

N Dunn
Monday 3rd of October 2016 11:32:34 AM
An abandoned industrial reservoir . Us kids used to go on it on an old raft in the 50s. It wasn't very deep unlike the Copperworks reservoir further along the riverside.

N Dunn
Monday 3rd of October 2016 11:30:40 AM
Whinny Lane. it was given that name because of an outcrop of Whinstone in that area.

N Dunn
Tuesday 31st of March 2015 02:52:31 PM
Hebburn Railway Station

Saturday 5th of July 2014 01:07:32 PM
Riverside Cottages (Staithes Houses)

Saturday 5th of July 2014 01:05:38 PM

Saturday 5th of July 2014 01:04:10 PM
This area was known locally as 'The Bauxite'. Not a lot is recorded about this 'British Aluminium Co' apart from it produced Aluminium Hydroxide from the ore known as 'Bauxite'. A lot of waste known as red mud was a by-product of the process & it was dumped on the site producing hillocks/mounds of this red mud. It was fenced off to keep people off it.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:16:09 AM
The Fever Hospital

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:17:04 PM
Just after this aerial photo was taken, this field was divided into Allotments. I know because in the late 50s some frriends & I kept pigeons in one allotment. The lazy birds often flew straight onto Reyrolles factory roof across the lines.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:16:37 PM
Tyne View Tce once owned by Tennant's Chemical Co & used by it's Chemists /Management. When the Company closed down the properties were let out. My McNeill relatives rented one part of Tyne View from the 1930s to the 50s when it was Demolished.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:14:02 PM
This empty land was where Tennant's Chemical Works once was.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:11:38 PM
This building was the Platers Sheds for Newcastle Shipbuilding Company who started in 1919 but went bust in 1921. Late 1920s it became the Reay Gear Works. Later it was bought by Geo Angus and remained as a gear manufacturer. Later RW Transmissions took it over & in the mid 70s it closed forever. Today it is a Housing Estate

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:10:38 PM
Prince Consort Rd, formerly James St

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:07:47 PM
Victoria Rd main entrance to Hebburn Cemetery

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:06:21 PM
The Reservoir left derelict & unfenced after Tharsis moved from Hebburn. A few people were drowned in that reservoir as it was deep & had steeply sloping sides.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:05:23 PM
This is the derelict Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Works after the company left Hebburn.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:02:59 PM
The Clinic on Argyle St

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:01:44 PM
Lloyds Bank opposite St Aloysius Church garden

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:01:00 PM
This Prefab building held three St Aloysius Classrooms for boys approaching leaving school at 14/15

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:00:17 PM
Simpson's Hostel on High Lane Row

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:58:55 PM
Charles St. The long gap of waste land between the houses was because the Luftwaffe bombs hit houses that were there previously

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:57:36 PM
Bonnacord St at the bottom of Ellison St

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:55:07 PM

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:54:18 PM

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:53:53 PM
The Pyrotenax Factory where they made copper clad cable which was fireproof.

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:53:22 PM
The Bitumastic Factory between Hedgeley Rd & the rail lines

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:51:58 PM
The County Hotel

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:51:02 PM
Reyrolle's Foctories were split by a railway line. This is Reyrolle's bottom works

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:50:13 PM
Reyrolle's Newtown Works

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:48:56 PM
Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:48:25 PM

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:47:57 PM
The Bushing Company

N Dunn
Thursday 1st of May 2014 02:47:38 PM
The Powerhouse which was a Youth Club in the 40s through to the 60s. It got its name because originally it was a small Electricity Generating Power Station

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:13:05 AM
The remains of Hebburn 'A' Pit

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:10:19 AM
Hebburn Palmers Ship repair yard/docks

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:08:53 AM
Hawthorn Leslies Ship Building Yard

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:07:46 AM
Hebburn had three Pits. This is the remains of 'C' Pit . It became part of Hawthorn Leslies soon after this photo & was used for steel stockholding. The other Pits were 'A' Pit close to Auckland Rd & 'B' Pit close to St Oswald's area

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:06:52 AM
Hebburn Quay Board School

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:03:33 AM
The Co-op Store Hall with its shops below on Lyon St/Albert St corner

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:02:50 AM
The Ballast Hill

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:01:47 AM
Robert Frazer & Sons, Steel Stockholders

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 10:01:03 AM
Hebburn Police Station on Argyle St. The Courtroom was next door

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:59:27 AM
St Aloysius RC Church

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:58:15 AM
St Cuthbert's Church on the corner of Ellison St & Argyle St

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:57:31 AM
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church off Ellison St

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:56:34 AM