EAW033924 ENGLAND (1950). Hebburn Cemetery, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Pennawd [EAW033924] Hebburn Cemetery, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Cyfeirnod EAW033924
Dyddiad 19-October-1950
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 430491, 563876
Hydred / Lledred -1.5236689406088, 54.968496138607
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NZ305639


The future site of Queens crescent, built in the early 1950's.

Sunday 20th of July 2014 05:56:49 PM
Allotments but they are all long gone

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:31:43 PM
Reyrolles 'Bottom' Works divided from the Newtown site by the Newcastle to South Shields railway line.

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:30:54 PM
This was Reyrolle's 'Newtown Works'. The Company was split in two by the railway lines & the other part was known as Reyrolles 'Bottom' works. It can just be seen at the side of this photo

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:29:45 PM

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:27:18 PM
The St John's Avenue entrance to Hebburn Park

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:23:18 PM
The Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Companies abandoned unfenced Reservoir. No Health & Safety like we have today because around this time a 6 or 7 yr old boy drowned in this water. It was deep with steep sloping brick lined sides.

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:20:51 PM
Craddock Avenue

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:18:15 PM

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:17:18 PM
North Farm Road

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:16:34 PM
The main Victoria Road entrance to Hebburn Cemetery

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:15:45 PM

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:15:02 PM
The Fever Hospital. My mother's little sister Margaret Rodgers died in this Hospital age 5 in 1935. She was in isolation & the only way the family could see her was to look through the window from outside.

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:14:33 PM

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:06:42 PM
Lambley Crescent

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:06:23 PM
Burn Heads Road

N Dunn
Friday 2nd of May 2014 03:05:35 PM
St John's Avenue between the Park & Cemetery

N Dunn
Wednesday 30th of April 2014 11:28:42 AM
West Parade which runs along the east side of the Cemetery

N Dunn
Wednesday 30th of April 2014 11:27:01 AM
Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Wednesday 30th of April 2014 11:23:03 AM
Whinney Lane leading to the riverside

N Dunn
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 12:38:20 PM
Primrose Cottage

N Dunn
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 12:37:01 PM
Shortly after this aerial photo was taken, part of this land became Allotments.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:49:24 AM
The Newtown Club

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:47:59 AM
Hebburn Cemetery

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:46:58 AM
Reyrolles Sportsfield. It is still in use today but no longer belonging to Reyrolles who don't exist now..

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:46:32 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:45:20 AM
The Bushing Company off South Drive

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:45:02 AM
This expanse of derelict looking land from the riverside to close to Glen St houses including a reservoir used to be the Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Works. They started here in Hebburn in the 1860s. Kids were soon attracted to the reservoir which I remember personally as we used to catch sticklebacks in it. We were very wary of its danger because the sides were brick & sloped steeply into the depths. A couple of children living in the Newtown drowned in it in the early 1900s & in about 1950 ish a lad that I knew called Colqhoun fell in & drowned,

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:44:16 AM