EPW017660 ENGLAND (1927). Imperial Paper Mills, Rosherville, 1927

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Pennawd [EPW017660] Imperial Paper Mills, Rosherville, 1927
Cyfeirnod EPW017660
Dyddiad April-1927
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 563798, 174241
Hydred / Lledred 0.35720124721336, 51.442951199655
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ638742


The site of Rosherville Pleasure Gardens. For a plan of the gardens as they were in their heyday, see 1897 OS map here: https://maps.nls.uk/view/103676174 For the history of the gardens, see https://www.discovergravesham.co.uk/northfleet/rosherville-gardens.html

Saturday 13th of February 2021 10:41:51 AM
The Rosherville Hotel / Rosherville V.A.D. Hospital. The hotel and bar (the Shades) were built about 1850 and were very popular with visitors from London arriving by steamers. See http://www.dover-kent.com/2014-project-a/Rosherville-Hotel-Northfleet.html and http://www.dover-kent.com/2018-Project/Rosherville-Shades-Northfleet.html but note that the address should be Burch Road, not Pier Road. Prior to the First World War, the hotel was empty but was requisitioned after the outbreak of hostilities. The Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital opened in November 1914 as the Yacht Club V.A.D. Hospital about 500 yards to the east (opened in October 1914) was already full. It initially had 64 beds, rising to 126 in 1917. See 'Lost Hospitals of London': https://ezitis.myzen.co.uk/rosherville.html

Saturday 13th of February 2021 10:38:20 AM
The New Thames Yacht Club / V.A.D. Hospital (1914 -19). The New Thames Yacht Club was founded in London in 1867, in December 1869 members voted to amalgamate with the Union Yacht Club at Gravesend and gained these premises. See The National Maritime Museum - https://www.maritimeviews.co.uk/yacht-clubs/new-thames-yacht-club/ In 1914, the building was owned by a Mr Hugh Fletcher who lent it to the Red Cross for use as a hospital. Kent/92 Voluntary Aid Detachment (V.A.D.) set up a hospital in October 1915 and received the first patients, 56 wounded Belgian soldiers, on the 15th October. It was subsequently equipped with an operating theatre and X-ray facilities, with a free electrical supply provided by the adjacent Imperial Paper Mills. In June 1915 a German air raid damaged the hospital. Fortunately no patients or staff appear to have been injured but all had to be moved out for a month while repairs took place. It closed on the 31st May 1919, having treated 2,361 patients. See 'Lost Hospitals of London': https://ezitis.myzen.co.uk/yachtclub.html

Saturday 13th of February 2021 09:33:24 AM
Baltic Wharf

Friday 12th of February 2021 06:33:51 PM
Clock Tower: this was the Overcliffe entrance to Rosherville Gardens.

Monday 14th of May 2018 09:51:45 PM
There appears to be a travelling fun fair here.

Thursday 10th of May 2018 09:58:21 PM
Passing loop for trams. 1883 - Gravesend, Rosherville and Northfleet Tramways Co, horse drawn service from Gravesend to 'Leather Bottel', Northfleet. 1888/89 - extended to Huggins College, Northfleet and ran an experimental electric tram service by the Series Electrical Traction Company from March 1889 to November 1890. December 1890 - service reverts to horse drawn trams 1901 to 1929 - Gravesend & Northfleet Electric Tramways Ltd, service from Gravesend to George and Dragon at Swanscombe with peak hour extension to Craylands Lane Swanscombe for the cement works employees. 1929, service replaced by Maidstone and District buses. 1933, routes taken over by London Transport Country buses. Source: 'The Tramways of Kent' G.E.Baddeley, published Light Rail Transit Association, Spring 1992, ISBN 0 948106 12 3

Tuesday 30th of August 2016 09:30:43 AM
Russell's brewery malthouse

Wednesday 30th of October 2013 05:37:55 PM
Gravesend West Station.

Wednesday 8th of May 2013 12:58:53 PM
Rosherville Station.

Wednesday 8th of May 2013 12:55:12 PM
St Marks Church

Saturday 30th of June 2012 10:41:25 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Established 1912 by Associated Press to make newsprint. Later sold to A. E. Reed which became Reed International.

Diversified products.

Shut 1978

Saturday 30th of July 2016 12:33:03 PM