EPW049189 ENGLAND (1935). The Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works, Hebburn, 1935

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Pennawd [EPW049189] The Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works, Hebburn, 1935
Cyfeirnod EPW049189
Dyddiad September-1935
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 430529, 564531
Hydred / Lledred -1.523005571693, 54.974380264517
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NZ305645


This property on Prince Consort Rd was a 'Doss House' ie cheap lodgings. Men would pay a penny or two to sleep indoors rather than outside somewhere. They slept hanging over ropes standing up.

N Dunn
Saturday 15th of October 2016 11:03:17 AM
Hawthorn Leslies Shipbuilders at the bottom of Ellison St

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:47:05 AM
Reyrolles 'bottom works' as it was known. Reyrolles also had a works on the south side of the Newcastle to South Shields railway line & that was the Newtown Works.

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:43:30 AM
Whites Marine factory on Prince Consort Road

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:41:47 AM
Whites Marine office block. My photo shows it just before demolition

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:40:51 AM
In the late 40s early 50s this was 'Martin's Bank' . Later it became 'Barclay's' & today it is a Funeral Parlour. Here it is in the background of my photo

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:39:20 AM
This building was Lloyds Bank in the 50s but not sure if it was in 1935. Here it is ion a photo from my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:36:52 AM
Rose St. My photo from my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk shows a shop on the corner of Rose St - Tennant St corner 30 yrs later.

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:32:23 AM
Shamrock St which was in Hebburn Newtown

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:28:00 AM
St Rollox St. My attached photo was taken 67 yrs later in 2002

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:27:07 AM
St Cuthbert's Church. My photo from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website is from 1950

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:23:32 AM
A Reservoir for Industry possibly Tennant's Chemical Works or the Bauxite

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:20:04 AM
Robert Frazer & sons , steel stockholders & structural steelwork production

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:17:40 AM
The 'County Hotel'

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:15:12 AM
St Aloysius Church

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:14:19 AM
The Police Station on Argyle St with the Courts next door then a bit further along is the Clinic.Photo from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:11:39 AM
St Andrew's Church & Institute.It hasn't been a church for a long time & has been used by the Local Authority . The photo is from 2013 & taken by Hebburn man Billy Davies

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:09:19 AM
Ellison House Hotel on Prince Consort Rd - Lyon St junction & next door to the Theatre Royal that opened in 1897 & burned down in 1950. This photo was taken after the fire because it badly damaged the Hotel.

N Dunn
Sunday 8th of September 2013 11:06:14 AM
The Bauxite company

N Dunn
Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 02:28:25 PM
This area was known locally as 'The Bauxite'. Not a lot is recorded about this 'British Aluminium Co' apart from it produced Aluminium Hydroxide from the ore known as 'Bauxite'. A lot of waste known as red mud was a by-product of the process & it was dumped on the site producing hillocks/mounds of this red mud. It was fenced off to keep people off it.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:58:58 AM
The Ballast Hill where boats dumped there sand/gravel ballast before loading up with coal etc.

N Dunn
Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 02:27:22 PM
Glen St in Hebburn Newtown

N Dunn
Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 02:25:24 PM
The Reay Gear Works down Prince Consort Rd. The factory was originally built by the Newcastle Shipbuilding Co who started in 1919 & went bankrupt a few years later. They were the Platers Sheds & were sold off in abt 1925

N Dunn
Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 02:24:27 PM