EAW005472 ENGLAND (1947). Construction of the Priory Court Estate and environs, Walthamstow, 1947

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Pennawd [EAW005472] Construction of the Priory Court Estate and environs, Walthamstow, 1947
Cyfeirnod EAW005472
Dyddiad May-1947
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 537163, 189928
Hydred / Lledred -0.019724816762079, 51.591010411931
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ372899


Chingford Road

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:27:04 PM
Rose and Crown Pub

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:24:40 PM
Start of Church Hill

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:23:56 PM
St. Marys Church

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:23:04 PM
Monoux Almshouses

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:22:28 PM
Vestry House/ Walthamstow Museum

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:21:16 PM
Old Granada Cinema/ Music venue

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:19:50 PM
Old Police Station

Thursday 21st of October 2021 08:18:49 PM
Clearly demonstrated destruction caused by the pair of landmines fell 18 Sept 1940 destroying shops and Warner's housing on both sides. Two families in Forest Road lost children that night: Housdens at 551a; 2 girls aged 11 & 13 and, Jackson's at 412; 2 girls aged 2 & 6 along with their parents. One shop still extant carries the ghost advert for the Co-op store on the flank wall

Friday 10th of April 2020 11:16:35 PM
Here's a picture of the bomb damage caused on this corner in 1940

Friday 3rd of June 2016 03:43:27 PM
Another picture of the bomb damage from 1940 taken from Pearl Road looking north.

Friday 3rd of June 2016 03:43:16 PM
The Walthamstow Bus Garage in Chingford Road originally the Tramways Depot until 1936, then later trolleybus depot until 1960 before converting to petrol & diesel buses. It closed in the 1980s, but took many years before being demolished for the Omnibus Way housing estate. Pity those residents whos' house now stands where the garage maintenance pits were!

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:13:28 PM
View seen from opposite side of Forest Road of the second(of a pair) of land mines which fell here together in 1940. The single property left standing (Co-operative Society corner shop) is now a cafe and still carries the original, but feint, outline of the wall painted advert.

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:08:50 PM
Site of a V.1 flying bomb explosion in September 1944

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:05:28 PM
Here can be seen the extensive bomb damage caused by a German air-raid of 18th September 1940 on an entirely residential location. The bombs were 'parachute mines' specifically designed for causing maximum damage & casualties whereever they happend to fall.On this occasion both mines exploded one either side of Forest Road on shops by Pearl Road and houses between Bemsted Road and Winns Terrace. One shop still stands, and can still be seen today (a cafe).On the flank wall in Jewel Road still remains the original painted advert of the original Co-operative Stores. Deaths included two primary schoolgirls who attended Forest Road (now Greenleaf) School. Lloyd Park House now stands on the lefthand side of Forest Road.

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:02:41 PM
Still more WW2 German air-raid damage to residential properties in Winns Avenue, corner of Elphinstone Road.

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:00:44 PM
William Morris House

Sunday 21st of September 2014 07:17:30 PM
This is the William Morris Gallery, not 'house', and was originally the home of Edward Lloyd (as in Lloyd Park where the building stands at the front of). It was never occupied by William Morris, who himself was born 800 metres west along Forest Road at Elm House, which the council demolished many decades ago.

Many people may not be aware, due to lack of admitting guilt, the local Labour council wanted to close this exhibition centre which houses examples of Morris' works {although the Japenese own most of the design rights I believe)back in 2009. Stating cost-cutting measures and need to reduce management. It was vigorously opposed by the local population including myself, and a tough battle ensued to make sure the council had to save face by agreeing with public opinion. They did not like that!

Sunday 16th of November 2014 07:20:33 PM
Greenleaf School

Sunday 21st of September 2014 07:16:36 PM
This was originally named the Forest Road Primary School when built in the 1890s.

Friday 14th of November 2014 10:51:29 AM
Bell Corner and Bell Public House. Forest Rd/ jtn Hoe St.

Sunday 6th of July 2014 07:51:32 PM