SPW045861 SCOTLAND (1934). Singer Sewing Machine Factory, Kilbowie Street, Clydebank. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing west.

© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.

Delweddau cyfagos (5)

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Pennawd [SPW045861] Singer Sewing Machine Factory, Kilbowie Street, Clydebank. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing west.
Cyfeirnod SPW045861
Dyddiad 1934
Dolen Canmore Collection item 1257704
Enw lle
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 249560, 670670
Hydred / Lledred -4.4067766933488, 55.905621091588
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NS496707


Park Quay with moorings for Clyde Navigation Trust mud punts.

Tuesday 30th of April 2024 08:19:36 AM
Bannerman Street

Monday 22nd of November 2021 09:10:05 PM
Singer Clock Tower

Sunday 25th of April 2021 11:54:36 AM
other set of stairs

Thursday 25th of June 2020 09:43:15 PM
Palace Theatre/Cinema

Thursday 25th of June 2020 02:01:39 PM
stairs from Kilbowie Rd

Thursday 25th of June 2020 10:31:32 AM
The Crescent nos 18, 17, 16 & 15: then there was the gap.

Wednesday 2nd of December 2015 04:14:52 PM
The Crescent, Dalmuir, built c. 1890, never completed (gap left in the middle); section of this part destroyed 1941. Beside Dalmuir (Park) Railway Station.

Wednesday 2nd of December 2015 03:47:58 AM
Singer Workers Platforms, on original line of NBR, retained & developed for works traffic when line diverted around factory through present Singer station.

Friday 13th of November 2015 09:34:04 PM
Beardmore's Ship Yard

Friday 17th of August 2012 05:49:39 PM
Newshot Island. Now very silted up and no longer an island. Remains of vessels destroyed in the Glasgow Dockside Fire of 1914 were towed and left here, scanty remains can still be seen at low tide.

Thursday 19th of July 2012 11:28:41 PM
Singer Railway Station.

Thursday 19th of July 2012 11:22:45 PM
Regal Cinema

Friday 6th of July 2012 02:44:06 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

P1 children from Kilbowie Primary School in Clydebank created animations in response to their local area and the Singer Sewing Machine Factory.

Aisha Hamis
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:03:25 PM
P6 Children from St Euan's Primary School in Clydebank created a vision of their area in the future in response to the historical image.

Aisha Hamis
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:02:18 PM
P1 children from Kilbowie Primary School in Clydebank created animations in response to their local area and the Singer Sewing Machine Factory

Beata Bradford
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:01:40 PM
To view the animations click on the image record.

Aisha Hamis
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:01:40 PM
P6 Children from St Euan's Primary School in Clydebank created a vision of their area in the future in response to the historical image.

Beata Bradford
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:00:51 PM
To view the animations click on the image record.

Aisha Hamis
Monday 29th of September 2014 04:00:51 PM
P1 children from Kilbowie Primary School made animations inspired by this image and their own observations of the same area today. Their animations show a day in the life of Clydebank. P6 children from St Eunan's Primary School were also inspired by this image to imagine what the same area might be like in the future. Their animations show stories of what might happen in this area 100 years from now.

Tuesday 16th of September 2014 03:35:21 PM
Dear all, You might be interested to know that we have used this image and some of your comments to illustrate a report on the Britain from Above project for the RCAHMS Annual Review 2012-13. This will be available as a PDF on the RCAHMS website (www.rcahms.gov.uk) later this year. Thank you for your contributions!

Brian Wilkinson,

Britain from Above Activity Officer (Scotland)

Brian Wilkinson
Wednesday 5th of February 2014 02:54:11 PM