EPW055285 ENGLAND (1937). St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and environs, Putney Heath, 1937. This image has been affected by flare.

© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.

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Pennawd [EPW055285] St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and environs, Putney Heath, 1937. This image has been affected by flare.
Cyfeirnod EPW055285
Dyddiad September-1937
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 522418, 173814
Hydred / Lledred -0.23808828314283, 51.449572048767
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ224738


The Earl Spencer Public House. Now closed, and in 2021 was a Majestic Wine outlet.

Leslie B
Sunday 26th of June 2022 11:39:39 PM
The Montague Arms (BH), It was still a Beer House with no spirits on sale in the 1950s

Leslie B
Sunday 26th of June 2022 11:36:12 PM
The Angel (Public House).

Leslie B
Sunday 26th of June 2022 11:33:14 PM

Chris Willis
Friday 12th of June 2020 08:19:15 PM
The second of Roehampton's innovative housing schemes was the Alton Estate built in two parts East in 1958 and West in 1959. Here the influence was from Scandinavian design in addition to five slab blocks following the ideas of Le Corbusier. The estate fills much of the area in the picture to the west and south of Roehampton Lane, including the very fine looking walled vegetable garden seen here. It was more than fifty years after the estate was built that direct access to the open spaces of Richmond Park to the west (left) has been established. Did the planners not try to make this in the 1950 or did the the Park authorities reject the idea as it would provide access for the wrong sort of people? People living in high density housing would seem to have a need for plenty of open space!

Monday 29th of July 2013 07:16:18 AM
The housing in this area was provided by the LCC and influenced by the Garden City Movement of Ebenezer Howard and the Art and Crafts movement. The Dover House Estate was the first of Roehampton's innovative housing schemes.

Monday 29th of July 2013 07:07:15 AM
Dover Park Drive

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:45:40 AM
Dover House Road

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:44:42 AM
Roehampton Playing Fields

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:40:04 AM
Huntingfield Road

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:39:10 AM
Medfield Street

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:34:45 AM
Roehampton Lane A306

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:33:20 AM
Ponsonby Road

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:25:16 AM
Holy Trinity Parish Church

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:24:08 AM

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:22:30 AM
Large building - looks more like a hospital than a country house (though it may have been originally). Not the interesting three portal-style windows.

Matthew Beckett - The Country Seat
Sunday 16th of June 2013 10:30:51 PM
Froebel College

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:43:25 AM
Large country house - Georgian.

Matthew Beckett - The Country Seat
Sunday 16th of June 2013 10:28:25 PM
War Memorial?

Chris Willis
Sunday 16th of June 2013 05:56:36 PM
Church - C of E? but no grave yard.

Chris Willis
Sunday 16th of June 2013 05:55:49 PM
Is this a church, or what?

Chris Willis
Sunday 16th of June 2013 05:55:09 PM
This is now Roehampton Family Hub, Roehampton Day Nursery.

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:29:19 AM
Parish Hall on 1916 1:2500 OS map.

Chris Willis
Monday 29th of July 2013 10:03:53 AM
Church - Roman Catholic?

Chris Willis
Sunday 16th of June 2013 05:54:40 PM
St. Joseph's Catholic Church

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:31:40 AM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Medfield Street, 07/09/2015

Wednesday 9th of September 2015 04:13:20 PM
Roehampton Lane at Medfield Street, 07/09/2015

Wednesday 9th of September 2015 04:12:47 PM
Roehampton Lane, 07/09/2015

Wednesday 9th of September 2015 04:12:14 PM
Holy Trinity Parish Church Roehampton, 07/09/2015

I finally managed to visit this area for the first time on 07/09/2015

Wednesday 9th of September 2015 04:10:03 PM
View is looking north east over Roehampton.

Tuesday 3rd of September 2013 04:24:15 PM
Hi Class31,

Thanks for the location. We'll update the catalogue and post your new data here in due course.

Yours, Katy

Britain from Above Cataloguing Team Leader

Katy Whitaker
Tuesday 3rd of September 2013 04:24:15 PM
Eureka I believe that I can identify the location of this photo.

Monday 29th of July 2013 12:21:12 AM
Country house just visible to bottom left - but have a look at the larger building to the north of it, another house?

Matthew Beckett - The Country Seat
Sunday 16th of June 2013 10:36:42 PM