EPW041516 ENGLAND (1933). Wythenshawe Park and the Princess Parkway under construction at Gib Lane Wood, Wythenshawe, 1933

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Delweddau cyfagos (6)

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Pennawd [EPW041516] Wythenshawe Park and the Princess Parkway under construction at Gib Lane Wood, Wythenshawe, 1933
Cyfeirnod EPW041516
Dyddiad June-1933
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 382065, 389653
Hydred / Lledred -2.2697920264449, 53.403132475482
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SJ821897


John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:44:13 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:43:19 PM
Essex Road (later Norris Road), Sale Moor

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:42:15 PM
Gratrix Lane, Sale Moor

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:41:23 PM
Baguley Lane

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:40:29 PM
Lime tree Farm, Sale Moor

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:39:57 PM
Baguley Lane (links Sale Moor with Baguley)

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:39:18 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:38:10 PM
Northenden Road (B5166), towards Sale.

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:37:12 PM
Baguley Brook - historic boundary between Northenden parish and Baguley township in Bowdon parish.

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:36:02 PM
Baguley Brook - boundary between Baguley and Sale

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:33:40 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:32:31 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:31:44 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:30:54 PM
Rack House Road

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:30:25 PM
Lawton Moor Road

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:29:54 PM
Shevington Gardens

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:29:19 PM
Sale Road (B5166)

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:28:38 PM
Yew Tree Lane

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:27:48 PM
Yew Tree pub

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:27:20 PM
Cleveland Lodge

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:26:50 PM
Sale Road (B5166)

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:26:09 PM
Industrial school (later Northenden Road Girls' Approved School)

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:25:23 PM
Walled garden

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:23:40 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:22:49 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:22:28 PM
Nan Nook Wood

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:21:20 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:20:58 PM
St John the Divine CE Primary School in Baguley top village.

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:20:05 PM
Gardener's Arms pub, Baguley

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:17:38 PM
Moor Road, Baguley

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:16:38 PM
Wythenshawe Road (B5167), towards Baguley and Timperley.

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:15:19 PM
Altincham Road (A560), towards Baguley and Altrincham

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:14:09 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:13:10 PM
"The Big Round"

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:12:33 PM
Wythenshawe Hall

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:12:02 PM
Gib Lane Wood

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:11:26 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:10:50 PM

John Ellis
Tuesday 7th of January 2014 04:10:10 PM