EPW031380 ENGLAND (1930). The Alpha Cement Works and surrounding countryside, Bletchingdon, from the east, 1930

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Pennawd [EPW031380] The Alpha Cement Works and surrounding countryside, Bletchingdon, from the east, 1930
Cyfeirnod EPW031380
Dyddiad February-1930
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 449265, 217257
Hydred / Lledred -1.2846746210093, 51.851287474584
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SP493173


Oxford cement plant

Dylan Moore
Monday 22nd of October 2012 09:53:48 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

This village in north Oxfordshire is where I lived for over 30 years before moving into central Oxford. The massive chimney seen here was always referred to as 'Old Smokey'.

Peter Simpson
Thursday 15th of November 2012 01:46:43 PM
That is really interesting - is it the cement works that now lies derelect beside the railway line as you travel North out of Oxford ?

Helen Fountain
Monday 5th of November 2012 11:36:36 AM
Yes Helen it is. The company closed down a few years ago.

Peter Simpson
Wednesday 14th of November 2012 03:34:43 PM
Thank you Peter, I can't see the railway line but it should be there somewhere ?

Helen Fountain
Thursday 15th of November 2012 01:39:33 PM
Ah ! I have found it, there is even a steam train in the picture !

Helen Fountain
Thursday 15th of November 2012 01:46:43 PM