EPW029351 ENGLAND (1929). The Green, St Michael's Church and the village, Aldbourne, 1929
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Delweddau cyfagos (6)
Pennawd | [EPW029351] The Green, St Michael's Church and the village, Aldbourne, 1929 |
Cyfeirnod | EPW029351 |
Dyddiad | September-1929 |
Dolen | |
Enw lle | ALDBOURNE |
Ardal | |
Gwlad | ENGLAND |
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad | 426455, 175684 |
Hydred / Lledred | -1.6190117850014, 51.479008498119 |
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol | SU265757 |
Illustrated in 'English Downland' (1936) - The Crown Hotel |
MB |
Saturday 4th of May 2013 11:44:56 AM |
Cyfraniadau Grŵp
'Albourne, which lies between the Lambourn Downs to the east and the Marlborough Downs to the west, is the truest downland village of them all .. [it] rests between some of the grandest hill-country in Wiltshire ..' Massingham, op cit. |
MB |
Saturday 4th of May 2013 11:56:10 AM |
'Aldbourne, cushioned in by elm and beech .. umber roofed from afar, white among its airy, many-cornered streets .. its building materials are of flint and "clunch" or chalk blocks cut from the harder seams of sarsen stones and of thatch ..' H. J. Massingham, English Downland, B. T. Batsford, 1936, 21 Massingham adds '.. The cottage roofing is mainly thatch or red tiles whose warm tones perfectly with the earth-browns of the thatch, together with the mass-produced blue slating, which many feel to be much too abundant in the chalk lands ..' |
MB |
Saturday 4th of May 2013 11:52:09 AM |