EPW026634 ENGLAND (1929). The Lion Portland Cement Works with wharves and piers on the River Thames, South Stifford, 1929

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Pennawd [EPW026634] The Lion Portland Cement Works with wharves and piers on the River Thames, South Stifford, 1929
Cyfeirnod EPW026634
Dyddiad May-1929
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 559824, 177520
Hydred / Lledred 0.30154408331977, 51.473549511712
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ598775


The Shant Public House (formally The Club House)

Monday 21st of March 2022 08:02:59 PM

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 29th of May 2019 08:56:02 AM
Cement Store

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 29th of May 2019 08:54:36 AM
abandoned chamber kilns

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:14:42 PM
Thames (Gibbs) cement plant

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 11:01:46 PM
new slurry handling under construction

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 11:00:11 PM
rotary kiln 10 under construction

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:58:42 PM
rotary kiln 9

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:57:17 PM
rotary kilns 7&8

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:56:23 PM
Rotary kilns 1-6

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:55:53 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

For details, history and many links, see [[http://www.cementkilns.co.uk/cement_kiln_wouldham.html]].

Dylan Moore
Thursday 18th of October 2012 09:00:48 PM
Catches kiln 10 under construction.

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 11:13:32 PM
The Wouldham Cement Plant. Founded in 1874 and expanded rapidly from 1898, it was acquired by BPCM in 1911. Kilns 1-6 were finally decommissioned when Kiln 10 was started in January 1930. The kiln is under construction here. This involved removal of slurry tanks on the north side of the plant, and the installation of a much larger slurry system in front of the kilns. Kiln 11 was installed in 1937, bringing the plant capacity to around 500,000 tonnes a year. The plant shut down in 1976.

Most of the old chamber kilns have now been cleared to free up space.

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 11:12:51 PM