EPW026633 ENGLAND (1929). The Thames and Lion Portland Cement Works with wharves and piers on the River Thames, South Stifford, from the south, 1929

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Delweddau cyfagos (3)

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  290° 31m
  46° 201m


Pennawd [EPW026633] The Thames and Lion Portland Cement Works with wharves and piers on the River Thames, South Stifford, from the south, 1929
Cyfeirnod EPW026633
Dyddiad May-1929
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 559716, 177194
Hydred / Lledred 0.29984280965871, 51.470650806116
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ597772


Gibbs chalk quarry

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:04:21 PM
Wouldham chalk quarry

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:03:57 PM
abandoned slurry backs

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:02:43 PM
abandoned chamber kilns

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:02:19 PM
cement store

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:01:32 PM
Wouldham power house stack

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:01:05 PM
Wouldham kilns 1-6

Dylan Moore
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 09:00:28 PM
Thames (Gibbs) Cement Plant

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:39:58 PM
Wouldham Cement Plant

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:39:08 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

For details, history and many links, see [[http://www.cementkilns.co.uk/cement_kiln_wouldham.html]].

Dylan Moore
Thursday 18th of October 2012 09:02:24 PM
Zoom in on the old Gibbs plant.

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:48:26 PM
BPCM's Wouldham cement plant. In the distance one can zoom in on the remains of APCM's Thames plant (previously owned by Gibbs) which was one of the plants at which the early Ransome rotary kilns were tried without success in the 1880s.

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 16th of October 2012 10:47:44 PM