EPW024713 ENGLAND (1928). St Matthew's Church and environs, Walsall, 1928

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Pennawd [EPW024713] St Matthew's Church and environs, Walsall, 1928
Cyfeirnod EPW024713
Dyddiad September-1928
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 401630, 298277
Hydred / Lledred -1.9759410555807, 52.581943625173
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SP016983


Walsall Town Hall

Sandwell Street Kid
Sunday 1st of June 2014 05:20:15 PM
The dome of the Carlton Hotel in High Street.

Sandwell Street Kid
Sunday 1st of June 2014 05:18:43 PM
Bullocks Row

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 01:00:13 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:57:01 PM
Upper Rushall Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:54:26 PM
The Guildhall and police station.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:53:27 PM
Walsall School of Art.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:52:48 PM
The Brotherhood building.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:51:34 PM
Ablewell Street.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:49:59 PM
Church Street, in 1928 devoid of all the housing that used to line both sides of the street. My great grandfather, Henry Moseley (picture attached) was born at 8 Church Street in May 1850. The 1851 census shows the Moseleys shared number 8 with six members of the Whittall family!

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:47:15 PM
The premises of what was The Barley Mow pub. At the time of the photograph being taken it was delicensed and was used as a shop. The watercolour and gouache painting shows the pub in its heyday around 1895.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:38:02 PM
A few doors up from the Duke of York pub at number 35 Dudley Street lived Mary Berwick, my wife's great, great aunt. Mary was widowed in 1861 and moved from Green Lane to Dudley Street where she lived and carried on her butchery business. The 1871 Census list the occupants as being:- Mary (head, widow) 44, Butcher - b. Walsall Joseph (son, single) 22, Butcher’s assistant - b. Walsall Mary Jane (dau, single) 16 - b. Walsall Elizabeth (dau) 14, Scholar - b. Walsall Eliza (dau) 11, Scholar - b. Walsall Mary Meeson (mother, widow) 76 - b. Walsall In 1876 an incident occurred where Mary threatened a neighbour who had in turn threatened Mary's daughter Elizabeth. Both parties went to court but the judge decided it was six of one and half dozen of another but fined both women one shilling each nevertheless! Mary died in 1902 and left over £7,000 after investing in various businesses in Walsall.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 27th of May 2014 12:31:57 PM
The first factory of J. A. Crabtree Company Limited on Upper Rushall Street, previously occupied by another well known Walsall company, John Leckie Limited. The premises are now part of the Lyndon House Hotel although it has lost one storey, down from three to two now. The top storey facing onto Upp. Rushall Street was the office of John Crabtree.

Sandwell Street Kid
Monday 28th of April 2014 09:04:35 PM
Old Blue Coat School (Girls & Infants c.1885)

Sandwell Street Kid
Monday 28th of April 2014 08:54:32 PM
Duke of York, 31 Dudley Street.

Sandwell Street Kid
Monday 28th of April 2014 08:53:28 PM
55 George Street My paternal grandparents lived here from the late 1920s to the early 1980s. My father's name was William Henry Jones.

Sarah Jones
Sunday 23rd of March 2014 05:02:01 PM
Hi Sarah,

Many thanks for the lovely contribution. I hope the image brings happy memories to your family. The BfA team love these kind of contributions.

Many thanks


Liz Fife-Faulkner
Monday 24th of March 2014 12:05:00 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Friday 28th of February 2014 11:05:30 AM
Bridge Street

Wednesday 31st of October 2012 08:15:15 PM
Freer Street

Wednesday 31st of October 2012 08:14:53 PM

Wednesday 31st of October 2012 08:13:33 PM

Wednesday 31st of October 2012 08:13:05 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Another great view of the area around St. Matthews, Gorton's Yard, Hill Street, Temple Street, Church Street and Hill Street prior to demolition in the 1930s.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 11th of March 2014 03:13:09 PM