EPW023017 ENGLAND (1928). St John's House, Ryde, 1928. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.

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Pennawd [EPW023017] St John's House, Ryde, 1928. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.
Cyfeirnod EPW023017
Dyddiad August-1928
Enw lle RYDE
Plwyf RYDE
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 460345, 92003
Hydred / Lledred -1.1449871519252, 50.723939411853
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SZ603920


Byddwch y cyntaf i ychwanegu sylw at y ddelwedd hon!

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Hello everyone,

Thank you all very much for your comments on the location of this image. We've checked your suggestions aginst the historic mapping and we can confirm you are correct - the building is St John's House! Thanks for helping us to locate this image! The website will be updated shortly and this image, thanks to you, will become located!

Thanks again,

Alexander Treliving (Britain from Above Cataloguer, EH)

Alexander J Treliving
Wednesday 3rd of October 2012 11:02:04 AM
This is St John's House, Ryde which is now Oakfield CofE funded Primary School formerly Bishop Lovett Middle School.

John Brownscombe
Thursday 13th of September 2012 09:24:11 PM
Excellent - well done, John. Just for extra confirmation, below is a link to a contemporary aerial view: http://binged.it/PndI8z.

Matthew Beckett - The Country Seat
Thursday 13th of September 2012 09:24:11 PM
Everything fits for St. John's House, Ryde. The building is now occupied by the Oakfield CE Aided Primary School and they have an excellent website which gives a very full history of the houses and includes a photograph of the north front which is the same as in our unlocated photo. The website is www.oakfieldcepri.iow.sch.uk

The photo was taken looking south.

Well done John Brownscombe for getting this one.

Tuesday 11th of September 2012 08:35:06 AM
Possibly Georgian original house on left with later Victorian addition to the right.

Matthew Beckett - The Country Seat
Monday 10th of September 2012 09:59:10 PM
This is St John's House Ryde, Isle of Wight.

John Brownscombe
Monday 10th of September 2012 09:59:10 PM
Almost certain this is Nettlestone Manor between Seaview and Nettlestone on the Isle of Wight.

Friday 24th of August 2012 06:22:37 PM