EPW017430 ENGLAND (1927). Royale Green and environs, Northenden, 1927

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Pennawd [EPW017430] Royale Green and environs, Northenden, 1927
Cyfeirnod EPW017430
Dyddiad 8-March-1927
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 383394, 389635
Hydred / Lledred -2.2497994580761, 53.403014156043
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SJ834896


Princess Road - later Patterdale Road

John Ellis
Wednesday 26th of November 2014 05:07:21 PM
Royal Green School later built in this field

Thursday 7th of November 2013 09:01:47 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 28th of October 2012 04:21:23 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 28th of October 2012 04:20:27 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 28th of October 2012 04:18:08 PM
Bradley Gate farm was the home of my G,G,Grandfather, he was a cotton merchant in Manchester.

Ian Warburton
Thursday 18th of December 2014 02:08:24 PM
My G,G Grandfathers House from approx 1847 to 1884

Ian Warburton
Friday 30th of March 2018 09:25:05 PM
River Mersey

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:12:04 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:10:15 PM
River Mersey

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:08:37 PM
St Wilfrid's Parish Church Northenden - burial ground

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:07:37 PM
Shawcross Lane

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:04:28 PM
Longley Lane (B5166)

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:03:12 PM
Sharston Road

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:02:36 PM
Royle Green Road (B5166)

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:02:03 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 05:00:07 PM

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 04:59:43 PM
Once the home of the Watkin family; Sir Edward Watkin became director of four railway companies, and drew up (abortive) plans in the 1870s for a tunnel under the English Channel. The house later became a local authority children's home, and is now divided up into residential apartments.

John Ellis
Sunday 28th of October 2012 04:28:24 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

The spelling is "Royle Green".

John Ellis
Sunday 1st of July 2012 04:59:00 PM