EPW016440 ENGLAND (1926). The Rochdale Road bridging the railway line and the Rochdale Canal, Slattocks, 1926

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Pennawd [EPW016440] The Rochdale Road bridging the railway line and the Rochdale Canal, Slattocks, 1926
Cyfeirnod EPW016440
Dyddiad 6-August-1926
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 388391, 408321
Hydred / Lledred -2.1753227343546, 53.571124393697
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SD884083


Three Pits cottages, homes of hand loom silk weavers. There was also a pub and a shop there. One man who went to was injured at Peterloo and died a couple of months later (inquest said not from his injuries) lived here.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 02:06:36 PM
Great to see this picture as my dad Arthur Foulds and his family lived in these cottages back in 1906 .His father was George Foulds and mum Mary Ann plus two sisters Hilda and May Just so lovely to be able to place where they lived

thank you

sue foulds
Sunday 5th of March 2017 08:55:59 PM
Great to see this picture as my dad Arthur Foulds and his family lived in these cottages back in 1906 .His father was George Foulds and mum Mary Ann plus two sisters Hilda and May Just so lovely to be able to place where they lived

thank you

sue foulds
Sunday 5th of March 2017 08:56:02 PM
Anyone able to suggest what this hollow is? On later aerials it is shown as drained land, probably after being infilled.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 02:05:00 PM
Anyone able to suggest what this hollow is? On later aerials it is shown as drained land, probably after being infilled.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 02:04:59 PM
Bentley Ave prior to and after construction. Stakehill works and Stakehill Lane can be seen in the distance. The land to the right of the avenue is now Stakehill Industrial site.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 01:59:30 PM
Bentley Ave (built in 1925)

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 01:48:22 PM
Bentley Ave (built in 1925)

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 01:48:22 PM
Lord's Wood and boating lake. Susan Fanny Hopwood resided in the dower house, Gorsey Lea cottage after she was widowed. The boating lake was nearby.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 01:46:59 PM
StakeHill Works (Dyeing & Bleaching)

Al Roach
Sunday 29th of July 2012 11:20:06 PM
Hopwood Cottage (Later Clubhouse MGC)

Al Roach
Sunday 29th of July 2012 11:08:11 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Bentley Ave, prior to and after construction. Stakehill works and houses in Stakehil Lane can be seen in the distance.

Geoff Wellens
Friday 10th of February 2017 01:56:39 PM
Rochdale Canal at Slattocks.

Frank S
Saturday 30th of June 2012 04:29:18 PM