EPW005770 ENGLAND (1921). Whitechapel High Street, Whitechapel, 1921

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Pennawd [EPW005770] Whitechapel High Street, Whitechapel, 1921
Cyfeirnod EPW005770
Dyddiad March-1921
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 533784, 181314
Hydred / Lledred -0.071755727694628, 51.514406276273
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ338813


Commercial Road Goods Depot (LTSR) Opened: 17th April 1886, Closed: 3rd July 1967

Hermann the German
Tuesday 20th of November 2018 09:34:10 AM
Saint Mary Matfelon Church which was destroyed during The Blitz in 1940. The ruins were finally demolished in 1952. The site of the church became "St Mary's Park" until it was renamed "Altab Ali Park" in 1998. The outline of the church is all that remains of it.

Hermann the German
Sunday 17th of June 2018 08:17:22 PM
Gardiner's Corner the busiest junction on the London Trolleybus System. At the height of the morning peak 372 movements were made which equals a bus passing through less than every 10 seconds. Throughout the day some 4,002 buses passed through on routes 565, 567, 569, 665, 627, 647, 653, 661, and 663.

Nowy Paul
Saturday 28th of April 2018 03:28:03 PM
Tewkesbury Buildings, built 1847-50

Survey of London historian
Thursday 30th of March 2017 07:59:34 PM
Eastern Dispensary, Leman Street. Constructed 1858

Uncle Ju
Wednesday 24th of February 2016 02:09:27 PM
Tewkesbury Buildings

Michael Shade
Thursday 16th of October 2014 10:53:44 AM
This is actually the back of St George's Residences, as it then was, formerly Sir (sic) George's Residence for Respectable Girls. I've marked Tewkesbury Buildings which were just below here (on the photo), a bit to the west.

Aileen Reid, Survey of London

Survey of London historian
Thursday 30th of March 2017 07:56:09 PM
Commercial Street, E1

Wednesday 2nd of July 2014 05:11:02 PM
Whitechapel Road, E1

Wednesday 2nd of July 2014 05:10:34 PM
Saint Botolph without Aldersgate

Alan McFaden
Tuesday 21st of May 2013 06:49:29 PM
St Jude's Church

Sunday 19th of August 2012 08:11:36 PM
Just take a look at all these trams (and buses) in a queue!

Saturday 21st of July 2012 10:52:52 PM
The spire of St Botolph without Aldgate (C of E)

John Peters
Saturday 21st of July 2012 05:26:53 PM

John Peters
Saturday 21st of July 2012 05:24:15 PM
Commercial Road

Tuesday 26th of June 2012 11:07:48 AM
This church took a direct hit in the war, was demolished completely and never rebuilt. Sorry, I cannot recall the name...

John Digby
Tuesday 26th of June 2012 11:01:58 AM
St Mary's, Whitechapel. Now Altab Ali Park.

John Peters
Saturday 21st of July 2012 05:14:16 PM
This was the church of St Mary Matfelon

Sunday 19th of August 2012 08:10:08 PM
Pettycoat Lane - Sunday market.

John Digby
Tuesday 26th of June 2012 10:59:06 AM
Gardener's Dept Store, which gave its name to "Gardener's Corner".

John Digby
Tuesday 26th of June 2012 10:57:54 AM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

View looking east.

Thursday 15th of August 2013 08:52:57 PM