EAW024414 ENGLAND (1949). The Reliance Garage (Norwich) Ltd Garage off Heigham Street and Norwich City Railway Station, Norwich, 1949. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.

Delweddau cyfagos (8)

  0° 0m
  318° 22m
  284° 28m
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  305° 75m
  164° 88m
  109° 183m
  23° 220m


Pennawd [EAW024414] The Reliance Garage (Norwich) Ltd Garage off Heigham Street and Norwich City Railway Station, Norwich, 1949. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Cyfeirnod EAW024414
Dyddiad 6-July-1949
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 622458, 309272
Hydred / Lledred 1.2879575210573, 52.635167028392
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TG225093


Sussex Street

Margaret Todd
Wednesday 16th of September 2020 10:34:43 AM
Post war station building replaced much grander original destroyed in Luftwaffe Baedeker raid April 1942.

Tuesday 21st of May 2019 10:09:19 PM
Norwich City Station. The station was opened in 1882 by the Lynn and Fakenham Railway, and later became the southern terminus of the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway (MG&N) line from Melton Constable. The station became well-used, with services to Cromer and through-carriages to a range of destinations including Peterborough and Leicester. The station was badly bombed in the Baedeker raids of 1942 when the main building was largely destroyed and thereafter the station operated from “temporary” buildings constructed on the site. It was closed to passengers on 2 March 1959 along with most of the Midland & Great Northern system. The Main Line of the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway was closed, on economic grounds. Essential maintenance work was considered too much to be justified. This pre-dated the Beeching Axe of 1962. The station remained in use for goods traffic until 1969. Check the old map I have overlayed onto a current google map.

Billy Turner
Thursday 20th of October 2016 09:36:56 PM
Steam locomotive 62538

Billy Turner
Thursday 20th of October 2016 08:11:20 PM
Horse drawn delivery vehicle

Billy Turner
Thursday 20th of October 2016 07:18:36 PM
Dodge T110L-4 D60 GS fitted with an all steel (L5) body

Billy Turner
Thursday 20th of October 2016 06:56:25 PM

Chris Lambert
Saturday 25th of April 2015 07:08:12 PM
St Martin at Oak church. St Martins Lane

Chris Lambert
Saturday 25th of April 2015 07:07:13 PM

Chris Lambert
Saturday 25th of April 2015 07:05:49 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

To the right of The Reliance Garage (which is in the centre of the image) are the premises of The Soman-Wherry Press Ltd (with a small square tower fronting Heigham St.), printers formed during WW2 by amalgamation of A E Soman and The Wherry Press. Across the road from the frontage of Soman-Wherry became the site of The Crocodile pub, newly built during the 1950s to replace a former pub on the site which had been bombed during WW2. The Crocodile was then closed in the early 1970s and was converted to offices of The Soman-Wherry Press.

Saturday 11th of January 2014 07:15:23 PM