EAW002147 ENGLAND (1946). Holiday-makers on Whitburn Sands, Seaburn, 1946

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Pennawd [EAW002147] Holiday-makers on Whitburn Sands, Seaburn, 1946
Cyfeirnod EAW002147
Dyddiad 1-August-1946
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 440620, 560335
Hydred / Lledred -1.3659440876862, 54.935951489857
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NZ406603


WW2 Concrete bunker complex. Another much lower structure was emplaced on this hedgerow overlooking the bay.

Paul McK
Saturday 5th of November 2022 01:40:01 AM
Economic Bus Depot

Paul McK
Saturday 5th of November 2022 01:36:54 AM
The Nissen hut located inside this blast wall is likely some kind of Ordnance store /magazine associated with the Z Rocket Projectile Battery.

Friday 25th of October 2019 12:10:59 AM
Location of the admin/accommodation buildings associated with the " Site of Second World War U2P rocket projector battery ZYP C at Whitburn Sands. It was armed with 63 twin-barrelled projectors and GL Mark II radar. Visible as Second World War structures and earthworks on air photographs are a military camp, military buildings, pillboxes, an ordnance store, air raid shelters, an Anderson shelter, trenches and barbed wire obstructions. " Defence of Britain Project.

Friday 25th of October 2019 12:06:33 AM
Possible location of Lizard Lane anti aircraft battery complex. List 1419998

Monday 30th of July 2018 11:12:18 PM
Mystery Structure

Monday 30th of October 2017 11:57:58 PM
WW2 Structure

Wednesday 30th of August 2017 05:49:36 PM
WW2 Gun Battery

Wednesday 30th of August 2017 05:48:58 PM
Are these the Lime Kilns that are at Marsden ?

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:25:22 AM
Seaburn Camp Bus Terminus

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:13:47 AM
'Shop at BINNS' advert on tram

Billy Turner
Tuesday 9th of February 2016 12:00:18 AM
Cornthwaite Park, Whitburn

Caro Barnsley
Friday 25th of July 2014 04:32:21 PM
Whitburn School. Later to become Whitburn Comp.

Monday 3rd of March 2014 07:51:00 PM
Hastings' post office, demolished by Vaux to extend the Seaburn Hotel.

Thursday 20th of February 2014 12:32:08 PM
Alex Hastings used to dream that I could have all the Dinky toys in his left hand bay window. bought my dinky toys here 1950's. Great shop.

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:05:36 AM
Now the Marriott Hotel, then the Seaburn Hotel which is much extended and altered.

Thursday 20th of February 2014 12:31:21 PM
souter lighthouse

kevin n
Tuesday 24th of December 2013 04:55:36 PM
Is in the correct place from where the view is taken,it is actually behind the colliery headframes

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:12:12 AM
WWII Anti Tank Gun Emplacement.

Friday 20th of December 2013 08:40:17 AM
the seaburn hall

kevin n
Wednesday 11th of December 2013 02:18:41 PM
Saturday night, good old days. Fight your way to the bus stop at Seaburn Camp to catch the bus to Ford Estate

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:02:48 AM
the bay hotel

kevin n
Wednesday 11th of December 2013 02:16:45 PM
Spent many a friday night here ,watching bands

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:01:05 AM
seaburn camp lines of old army huts I think they were used by schools for holidays.no sign of the football pitches.

kevin n
Friday 29th of November 2013 11:07:11 AM
Here you can see what remains of Whitburn Gun Battery which was part of the World War Two coastal defences for the mouth of the River Wear.

Thursday 29th of August 2013 01:07:46 PM
The end of a Sunderland tram route, with turning loop (that goes on the wrong side of the road in the junction - what chaos it would cause today) a couple sidings and a tram waiting to head south back to Sunderland.

Thursday 29th of August 2013 08:22:18 AM

Friday 9th of August 2013 05:24:05 PM
is it whitburn or marsden colliery

kevin n
Tuesday 24th of December 2013 04:56:44 PM
This is actually the lighthouse not Whitburn Colliery, as I think this pin needs to be switched with the one nearby - which is the Colliery and not the lighthouse!

Thursday 20th of February 2014 12:34:40 PM
Whitburn Colliery also had the District NCB Workshops attached to it, My friend Barry Owens dad used to work there.

Thursday 10th of March 2016 06:07:56 AM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Coast Artillery Battery, Whitburn.

Thursday 19th of December 2013 02:43:21 PM