EAW000784 ENGLAND (1946). The area between Stafford Street, Whitehouse Street and Green Lane, Birchills, 1946

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Pennawd [EAW000784] The area between Stafford Street, Whitehouse Street and Green Lane, Birchills, 1946
Cyfeirnod EAW000784
Dyddiad 11-May-1946
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 401010, 299185
Hydred / Lledred -1.9850895398834, 52.590108818739
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SP010992


WW2 Communal Surface Blast Shelter

Monday 25th of September 2017 06:09:11 PM
Dolman's cast-iron letterbox in August 2001.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 08:23:42 PM
Close-up of Dolmans sign in August 2001.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 08:22:20 PM
Victoria Corn Mills premises of J. E. Dolman Limited, corn, straw and seed merchants - info' from 1937 Walsall Red Book. The photo shows the premises in August 2001.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 08:20:43 PM
J. & H. Lord, brewers and ice merchants (from 1937 Red Book)

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 08:02:43 PM
St. Paul's Church

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 07:52:55 PM
The Wisemore Council Schools

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 07:51:33 PM
Little Whitehouse Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 05:12:10 PM
Whitehouse Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 05:10:32 PM
Blue Lane East

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 05:09:39 PM
Short Acre Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 05:09:01 PM
Long Acre Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 05:08:40 PM
John Shannon & Son Ltd.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:53:22 PM
The Builder's Arms, Albert Street. The accompanying photograph was taken on Saturday 18 October 2008 shortly before demolition to make way for Tesco. In the background can be seen the Walsall College of Arts & Technology which was also demolished and moved to the opposite side of Littelton Street.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:52:24 PM
Littleton Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:35:36 PM
Stafford Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:34:10 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:33:34 PM
Portland Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:32:57 PM
Garden Street

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:32:06 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:31:48 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:31:02 PM
Tower of the Town Hall

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:30:38 PM
What is now the Walsall Leather Museum

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:30:18 PM
The George Hotel on The Bridge

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:29:34 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Another brilliant view of a Walsall long gone and so sharp too.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 18th of March 2014 04:27:53 PM