EPW033129 ENGLAND. Holsworthy Union Workhouse, Trewyn, 1930
© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.
Pennawd | [EPW033129] Holsworthy Union Workhouse, Trewyn, 1930 |
Cyfeirnod | EPW033129 |
Dyddiad | |
Dolen | |
Enw lle | TREWYN |
Ardal | |
Gwlad | ENGLAND |
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad | 234015, 104330 |
Hydred / Lledred | -4.3564418171243, 50.81413875355 |
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol | SS340043 |
Number 5 Victoria Hill |
mcoley |
Sunday 7th of August 2022 02:53:02 AM |
This building was originally the Holsworthy Union Workhouse |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 09:35:03 AM |
Nice curved stone walls at entrance gateway. Today one side is covered in ivy. |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:48:41 AM |
Trewyn Road |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:43:42 AM |
Rydon Road |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:41:26 AM |
Victoria Hill |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:40:20 AM |
Sanders' Lane |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:39:31 AM |
This building is now Holsworthy Community College |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:36:08 AM |
Stanhope Park as seen on the very edge of EPW033128 |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:32:53 AM |
Cyfraniadau Grŵp
Holsworthy Union Workhouse, Holsworthy, 17/10/2016 |
Class31 |
Thursday 20th of October 2016 08:38:56 AM |
This is a view looking south over Trewyn Road, Holsworthy towards Victoria Hill and today's Holsworthy Community College on the right. There are lots of identified roads and all the buildings fit. The photo is also in sequence with a photo of Holsworthy on either side. My technique was to annotate the photos which had been identified so that when I came to this one I could recognise the pattern of the roads in Stanhope Park. Everything then just fell into place. |
Class31 |
Wednesday 2nd of January 2013 12:25:54 PM |
Hi Class31, Great spot, thanks! We'll update the catalogue and post the new data here in due course. Yours, Katy Britain from Above Cataloging Team Leader |
Katy Whitaker |
Wednesday 2nd of January 2013 12:25:54 PM |
Eureka |
Class31 |
Saturday 22nd of December 2012 06:30:18 AM |