EAW042328 ENGLAND (1952). RAF Northolt, Hillingdon, 1952

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Pennawd [EAW042328] RAF Northolt, Hillingdon, 1952
Cyfeirnod EAW042328
Dyddiad 9-April-1952
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 509861, 185000
Hydred / Lledred -0.41525309178587, 51.552699867185
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ099850


Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com
Wednesday 31st of July 2024 07:00:43 PM
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/22): e70230

Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com
Friday 29th of March 2024 05:31:55 PM
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/24): S0007045

Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com
Friday 29th of March 2024 05:30:14 PM
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/24): e65276

Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com
Friday 29th of March 2024 05:29:39 PM
Target Roundabout

Des Elmes
Wednesday 14th of December 2022 01:27:27 AM
White Hart Roundabout

Des Elmes
Wednesday 14th of December 2022 01:26:14 AM
Visitors enclosure, minimal security in those days.

Wednesday 17th of June 2020 02:01:03 PM

Sunday 19th of April 2020 12:17:14 AM
Control Tower

Monday 13th of October 2014 03:50:11 PM
Officers' Mess

Toby Clempson
Tuesday 29th of July 2014 01:25:46 PM
25 yard rifle range.

Toby Clempson
Tuesday 29th of July 2014 01:24:36 PM
Three Dakotas

Thursday 24th of July 2014 11:17:46 PM
In the late 60's , A Boeing 707 landed by mistake on this runway; it is on a similar alignment to Heathrow (but a long way off) . Directly in line with this runway is a large Gasometer , and to try to avoid a recurrence of mistaken landings , the Letters "NO" were painted in very large letters on this gasometer . When doing a GCA (Ground Controlled Approach) inbound pilots were asked if they could see the big tank with "NO" on it . I believe that a similar gasometer on the approach to Heathrow had "HR" painted on it .

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:30:24 PM
That was the end of the PANAM pilot's career! When it took off the following day, with another pilot, I remember seeing on BBC news that they closed the road that was in line with the end of the runway.

Monday 13th of October 2014 06:58:35 PM
Vickers Valetta(Viking). Taxying and about to turn right onto Runway 13 (probably)

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:21:10 PM
Landing"Tee" shows wind direction and runway in use , in this case RW13

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:18:51 PM
Bedford OB coach .

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:13:17 PM
Gun harmonisation butt . Fighter tail propped level and guns sighted on target in butt. Gun alignment checked and adjusted to harmonise with pilot's gunsight.

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:12:02 PM
Fire and Crash tenders

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:04:00 PM
Bristol Freighter

Thursday 24th of July 2014 07:01:13 PM
I think it's a BEA Viking , nose too pointy, wings too slender...

Thursday 11th of September 2014 12:28:27 AM
Mostly Valettas (Viking)

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:59:46 PM
Much more likely BEA Vikings by the civilian terminal

Thursday 11th of September 2014 12:29:36 AM

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:58:50 PM

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:57:43 PM
USAF C-54 Skymaster probably (military DC-4)

Thursday 11th of September 2014 12:31:11 AM
Beechcraft Expeditor

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:55:55 PM
Vickers Viking

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:55:05 PM

Thursday 24th of July 2014 06:54:14 PM
A40. Western Avenue looking towards London

Tuesday 17th of June 2014 09:14:36 AM
Old Ruislip Road

Sunday 15th of June 2014 06:27:48 PM
West End Road, Ruislip

Sunday 15th of June 2014 06:27:13 PM
Polish War Memorial

Sunday 15th of June 2014 06:24:48 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Re the RAF Valetta aircraft: it is very likely the vast majority if not all the aircraft noted as Valettas in this photo and especially those in front of the terminal building are actually BEA Vikings; In late 1946 the Air Ministry handed the aerodrome over to the Ministry of Civil Aviation (Min C A)to be used as the London Airport for European and internal domestic destinations pending expansion at Heathrow. During this period there was a very minimal presence of RAF aircraft- mostly VIP . the Civil operators included BEA,Air Lingus, Swissair and many others. In 1952 it is recorded as the busiest European civil airport.

The aerodrome was totally Min C A operated and manned until it was handed back to the RAF in mid 1955, shortly after the Metropolitan Communications Sqn moved in from RAF Hendon.

RAF Valetta aircraft mainly equipped Middle & Far East transport Sqn with the main UK Transport operator being 30 Sqn at Oakington.

ted angus
Sunday 10th of August 2014 10:55:14 AM