Adrodd fel Amhriodol
Testun Gwreiddiol (Anodiad: EPW009167 / 2009791)
Lord George Sanger's second 'Margate Abbey' folly built in 1874 / 1882. This structure formed part of the western perimeter wall with the rear faces also serving as a convenient advertising billboard fronting the LCDR and SER railway lines. Depicted in the hoarding that Sanger put up above the Hall by the Sea building on Marine Terrace road, few photos and noted in various OS maps through the years, it is assumed the structure was used as a bandstand although photos show evidence of cage bars. In 1990 the Bembom Brothers began much demolition and clearance of the original railway and perimeter embankments within the west area of the Dreamland site, taking down the second folly which was replaced by modern in-filling. This section of the perimeter has now been developed after years of neglect and no access into a VIP area of the current Dreamland amusement park obscuring some of the surviving menagerie perimeter wall from view. '