Adrodd fel Amhriodol

Testun Gwreiddiol (Anodiad: EAW008637 / 1381267)

' AEC 0854 tanker Some 1,514 A.E.C. 6-wheel 2,500-gallon refuelling tankers, known as the ‘AEC 0854’, were delivered for service with the Royal Air Force, again seeing service around the world. They were used to refuel transport planes as well as bomber aircraft such as the Lancaster, Stirling, and Mosquito. The design was based on a cross between A.E.C.’s Matador and the firm’s 6-wheel Marshal general purpose lorry (600 of which were additionally produced for military purposes during wartime – one even being used by Army Chaplains as the mobile church of St. George in North Africa). Lancaster bombers required 2,254 gallons of aviation fuel at a time. '