EAW033923 ENGLAND (1950). Hebburn New Town, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Title [EAW033923] Hebburn New Town, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Reference EAW033923
Date 19-October-1950
Place name HEBBURN
Easting / Northing 430488, 564205
Longitude / Latitude -1.5236808178496, 54.971453029648
National Grid Reference NZ305642


This is the Glen St Weslyan Chapel on the corner of Charles St

N Dunn
Friday 5th of May 2017 10:29:40 AM
Glen St Methodist Chapel on the corner of Thistle St.

N Dunn
Friday 5th of May 2017 10:27:07 AM
Tweed Street which stretched from Hedgeley Road, over Whickham Road & ended at Victoria Road East.

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:33:19 AM
The Masonic Hall on Aln St/Whickham Rd corner

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:31:33 AM

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:30:11 AM
In the mid 50s work began to build a Cinema on this land. The Cinema was the 'Rex'. Later it became a Bingo Hall then demolished. Today a Care Home stands on the land.

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:27:32 AM
This is the Ambulance Station on the corner of St Johns Tce/Victoria Rd West. As they had a large hall attached it was used to hold functions including regular Dances.

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:24:49 AM
This was the Argyle Hotel on John St /Victoria Rd West and unfortunately was demolished by the Local Authority in 2016

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:21:34 AM
These were the Wailes Dove Bitumastic Offices facing onto Hedgeley Rd. Behind the offices is their factory alongside the electrified South Shields to Newcastle railway line (Now the Metro Line)

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:08:50 AM
This was a Petrol Station/Garage on Victoria Rd West called Rounthwaites in the 1950s.

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:04:29 AM
North Drive which was the entrance road to Reyrolles.

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:01:36 AM
The remains of the Tharsis Sulpher & Copper works. As a little lad I played in these buildings known to us kids as the nickname 'The White House' probably because they were made from concrete.

N Dunn
Wednesday 18th of June 2014 08:08:46 AM
Alfred St. Pic from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:58:01 AM
North Farm Rd. The small photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:56:25 AM
A travelling Funfair which just happened to be in Hebburn on the day this photo was taken.

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:52:54 AM
The Newtown Club.My photo from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website shows the Club boarded up with its future uncertain.

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:51:52 AM
This was Davisons Farm at Bill Quay across the road from the school. My photo from my www.gatesheadeast.co.uk website shows the farm buildings in the background of the school photo.

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:48:19 AM
Shortly after this 1950 photo was taken, this land was turned into Allotments which are still there today. As a young lad in the later 1950s my mates & I had an allotment here where we kept pigeons.

N Dunn
Monday 26th of May 2014 09:43:35 AM
The Cricketer's Public House in Bill Quay. Photo from my www.gatesheadeast.co.uk website

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:11:58 PM
Pelaw Stores which belonged to the Co-operative. Most of the south side of Shields Rd in Pelaw, was taken up by various Co-op departments. For example the Dry Saltery, Shirt Factory, Cabinet Works etc, Why not learn about this from my www.gatesheadeast.co.uk website.

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:09:15 PM
Bluehouse Farm in Hebburn

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:05:19 PM
Bill Quay School

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:03:35 PM
The 'Albion' Public House at Bill Quay

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:02:05 PM
Primrose Cottage , close to where the Deans Primrose Staith was previously

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:00:59 PM
The Bushing Company on South View adjacent to Reyrolles.

N Dunn
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 01:58:12 PM
This was the Council Yard beside the Station Bridge. It was bombed in WW2 & quite a few people were killed

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 03:39:24 PM

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 03:36:45 PM

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 03:34:52 PM
Hedgeley Rd junction with Station Rd. Locally it was 'Craig's Corner' as the corner shop belonged to Craig the Decorators.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 03:34:01 PM
This area was known locally as 'The Bauxite'. Not a lot is recorded about this 'British Aluminium Co' apart from it produced Aluminium Hydroxide from the ore known as 'Bauxite'. A lot of waste known as red mud was a by-product of the process & it was dumped on the site producing hillocks/mounds of this red mud. It was fenced off to keep people off it.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:45:11 AM
Main entrance to Hebburn Cemetery on Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:19:25 AM
The Newtown School which was sandwiched between Hedgeley Road & Whickham Rd & Aln St & Station Rd

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:17:37 AM
Pelaw Main Coal Staiths. I remember going there as a little lad about 1950-51 & seeing ships being filled with coal with 'Danzig' on the Stern.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:15:10 AM
Harrison's Shipyard at Bill Quay

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:12:39 AM
'Top Reyrolles' or Reyrolles Newtown Works

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:11:47 AM
This was locally known as 'Bottom Reyrolles'

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:10:57 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:10:00 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:09:19 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:08:34 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:08:03 AM
John St in Hebburn 'Newtown'

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:06:06 AM
Charles St. The gap where houses once were is where a bomb hit them during WW2

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:05:11 AM
Victoria Rd West

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:02:04 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:01:39 AM
Hebburn Railway Station

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:00:52 AM
Lloyds Bank with St Aloysius prefab classrooms adjacent to it.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:59:53 AM
The Station Hotel on Glen St - Station Rd corner. It was known locally as 'Roys'

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:58:20 AM
The 'Bushing Company' buildings off South Drive

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:57:06 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:56:17 AM
Reyrolles Sports Field

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:55:29 AM
Walker Naval Yard

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:54:19 AM
The Reservoir belonging to Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Works which when this photo was taken had closed down. Around this time (1950) a young lad called Colqhoun drowned in this reservoir which had been left unfenced, dangerous & deep.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 08:53:27 AM