EPW053948 ENGLAND (1937). Hebburn New Town and the Tyne Sulphur and Copper Works, Hebburn, 1937. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.

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Title [EPW053948] Hebburn New Town and the Tyne Sulphur and Copper Works, Hebburn, 1937. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.
Reference EPW053948
Date June-1937
Place name HEBBURN
Easting / Northing 430317, 564169
Longitude / Latitude -1.5263560849935, 54.971139931763
National Grid Reference NZ303642


Craddock Avenue. Lots of Hebburn photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Thursday 5th of July 2018 02:13:11 PM
West Parade. Lots of Hebburn photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Thursday 5th of July 2018 02:11:13 PM
Clennel Ave.Lots of Hebburn photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Thursday 5th of July 2018 02:10:04 PM
Derby Cres, Hebburn. Lots of Hebburn photos on my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Thursday 5th of July 2018 02:09:02 PM
This is Pelaw Main Staithes. More closely linked to Bill Quay than Hebburn, Pelaw Main was a while town in itself. It had two pubs and one hotel.

Harry Lynch
Thursday 29th of December 2016 05:55:46 PM
Whinney Lane. Mainly a path that led from Victoria Road West down to Pelaw Main Staithes.

Harry Lynch
Thursday 29th of December 2016 05:53:39 PM
This little Valley was known as 'The Dip'. A stream ran through it from the lakes & into a gully beside St Bede's Well then under the slag heap. The stream exited through Pig Stye Ave allotments & ran into the river Don.

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 11:58:04 AM
St Cuthbert's Vicarage which was built so the Vicar didn't have to live next to the Church which was in the industrial area of Hebburn. In the 1800s air quality was very poor in the town with Chemical manufacturers, industrial chimneys etc. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website. Soon after this aerial photo was taken Cambridge Avenue Estate was built.

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 11:54:34 AM
One of the oldest houses in Hebburn standing in the corner of Leslies Sportsfield & close to the water filled quarries. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 11:50:46 AM
About 1950ish this area was built on forming the Windermere Crescent Estate, with Grasmere Rd, Thirlmere Court & Coniston Avenue. I was brought up in Grasmere Rd from 9yrs old to 25. My photo shows Windermere Cres.

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 11:46:16 AM
The Bowes line where the coal trucks from Wardley area brought the coal down to the Staiths in Jarrow. My Pic was taken close to the pin but much later & it shows the track further west with the Monkton Coke Works.

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 11:37:23 AM
These three properties were called Langley Villas on the right nearest the Reyrolle sports field , then Heathfield House & finally Afton House. No photos of them exist unfortunately

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 10:22:53 AM
North Hebburn. The aerial view is not too clear. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 10:18:48 AM
Victoria Rd West. Once it got to Station Rd it continued as Victoria Rd East until it reached Jarrow where it became Albert Rd,

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 10:12:16 AM
South Drive which led from Victoria Rd to the Bushing Company.

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 10:08:53 AM

N Dunn
Friday 10th of January 2014 10:06:18 AM
Monkton Hospital which was men only in those far off days housed patients with what today we call Learning difficulties. As a young lad in the 50s we lived on a new estate just north of the Hospital & got to know some of the patients. Some patients played football on their own field so local kids joined in aswell. Some kept pigeons like us kids. A few patients worked for the local coalmen delivering one hundredweight (1cwt) sacks of coal to Hebburn & Jarrow residents. This was probably cheap labour in those days but it benifitted them by getting out and about.

N Dunn
Monday 2nd of December 2013 05:18:44 PM
Burn Heads Farm. The rare photo of the farm is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Sunday 29th of September 2013 05:09:32 PM
Whites Marine Works on Prince Consort Rd

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:51:54 PM
This last lake was known as 'Sandy Bottom'

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:50:22 PM
This is the old remains of the Carr Ellison families Boathouse at the edge of what was known as 'The second lake'. The photo from my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk shows the remains of the boathouse

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:49:45 PM
This was known as 'The Island Lake'. In the 1950s when I was young the island was overgrown with shrubs & trees. Mute swans & ducks nested on it safe from dogs & cats.

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:46:34 PM
The Fever Hospital next to Hebburn Cemetery, just off Victoria Rd West. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website. My mothers little sister Margaret Rodgers died aged 5yrs 6mths in this Fever Hospital in 1935. My mother was 13 in 1935 & she told me they couldn't got in to see Margaret in case they caught the fever, so all they could do was look through the window from outside.

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:43:35 PM
The Ambulance Station on the corner of St John's Avenue & Victoria Rd West. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 02:32:26 PM
On my 1916 Map one of these little cottages is called 'The Elders'. This Sketch of what I think is the Elders is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:53:36 AM
St Aloysius RC Church. Photo taken from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:44:44 AM
Tennant St named after the family who opened the Tennant's Chemical Factory down by the riverside. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website.

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:42:15 AM
Glen St. Photo from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:40:40 AM
Hebburn Railway Station. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website.

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:35:25 AM
This was Hebburn's little Power Station. After it was redundant some buildings were used as a Dance Hall, with youth club, Gymnasium etc. The photo is from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website with thousands of old images to view.

N Dunn
Tuesday 17th of September 2013 11:32:43 AM
Reyrolles 'bottom works' and not too far from it's Newtown Works.

N Dunn
Monday 12th of August 2013 09:10:59 AM
This area was known as the Bauxite.

N Dunn
Monday 12th of August 2013 09:09:41 AM
This area was known locally as 'The Bauxite'. Not a lot is recorded about this 'British Aluminium Co' apart from it produced Aluminium Hydroxide from the ore known as 'Bauxite'. A lot of waste known as red mud was a by-product of the process & it was dumped on the site producing hillocks/mounds of this red mud. It was fenced off to keep people off it.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:57:52 AM
This land is where Clegwell School was built along with the sports field adjacent to the High Rd (Victoria Rd East). A bit further east is where Clegg Farm was & the Clegg well where fresh water was drawn.

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:52:47 AM
Redhouse Farm which is long gone & close to where Ushaw Rd is today.

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:49:54 AM
Hebburn Quarries which were filled in long ago. They became unused & gradually filled with water so were very dangerous. Apparently a few people used them to commit suicide. The only link we have to them now is Quarry Rd which led to them. They were situated on the south side of Leslies Sports Field.

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:48:09 AM
The Bushing Company.

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:43:17 AM
Reyrolle's with it's Sports field infront

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:42:37 AM
This was the Copperworks reservoir & it was still there when the Works had closed & been demolished. It was deep & in the 50s a lad called Colqhoun drowned in it. Us kids used to catch sticklebacks in it even though it had dangerous sloping sides. You couldn't wade in the water or you'd just slide down into the depths. I think it was 30ft deep.

N Dunn
Sunday 11th of August 2013 10:40:35 AM
St Bede's Well was yards from the edge of the Slag Heap. The slag came from Palmer's Blast Furnaces in Jarrow & was dumped as hot molten slag.My mother told me when they dumped it in darkness it lit the sky up.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:42:08 PM
Monkton Village

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:39:11 PM
This was known as the 'First Lake' & it was one of four lakes made by the Ellison family mid to late 1800s.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:38:29 PM
Hebburn Cemetery

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:36:44 PM
Tharsis Copper Works

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:35:56 PM

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of August 2013 07:34:44 PM