EAW033926 ENGLAND (1950). Hebburn New Town, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Title [EAW033926] Hebburn New Town, the Reyrolle Electrical Engineering Works and environs, Hebburn, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Reference EAW033926
Date 19-October-1950
Place name HEBBURN
Easting / Northing 430514, 564407
Longitude / Latitude -1.5232531282244, 54.973266801946
National Grid Reference NZ305644


Possible air raid shelters

Monday 8th of November 2021 01:51:53 PM
single person concrete air raid shelter

Monday 8th of November 2021 01:50:53 PM
Single person concrete air raid shelter.

Monday 8th of November 2021 01:49:23 PM

N Dunn
Sunday 2nd of October 2016 11:37:15 AM
Charlie Stubbs had his little business here sculling people across to Walker in his sculler boat. He was nicknamed 'Charlie Sculler' and I managed to find this photo of him for my website www.oldtyneside.co.uk. My Aunt Cecilia Rodgers worked in the Boneyard Office and lived at Tyne View 100 yds away with our McNeill relatives and she used Charlie Sculler's service every day. She used to come home for dinner as well & it cost a penny per trip. In those days there was 240 pennies to the £1.

N Dunn
Thursday 2nd of April 2015 11:16:38 AM
Walker Ferry Landing. Behind it is the 'Bone Yard' known to a lot of Hebburn people for the horrible smell at blew across to Hebburn if the wind was in the right direction.

N Dunn
Thursday 2nd of April 2015 11:05:56 AM
Wallsend Ferry Landing and next to it is the famous Swan Hunter's yard.

N Dunn
Thursday 2nd of April 2015 11:03:58 AM
Hebburn Ferry Landing

N Dunn
Thursday 2nd of April 2015 11:02:19 AM
The little bridge where supplies & products from Tennant's Chemical Company were transported to & from from vessels at the jetty. The rare photo from my www.oldtyneside.co.uk website shows the bridge.

N Dunn
Thursday 2nd of April 2015 10:56:05 AM

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 10:05:33 AM

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 10:04:47 AM
Bonnacord St which was at the bottom of Ellison St.The houses were built to provide accommodation for Mr Leslie's workers. Mr Leslie came down from Aberdeen & started his ship building yard in Hebburn in the 1850s. Bonnacord is the motto of Aberdeen & means 'Good Will'

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 10:02:54 AM
This is the bottom part of Prince Consort Rd. These properties are still standing today in 2014

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:59:00 AM
The little Nursery School opposite the Prince Consort Rd - Argyle St junction.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:57:38 AM
This little building belonged to the GPO who provided the telephone service in those days.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:56:05 AM
The Theatre Royal on Lyon St which opened in 1897 was so badly burned in the Oct 7th 1950 fire it was demolished. The Ellison House Hotel next door, on Prince Consort Rd corner was badly damaged.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:54:27 AM
This was the Town's rubbish dump. Today it is soiled over & landscaped & looks beautiful. As a young lad in the late 40s early 50s this riverside was our playground. I can remember hundreds of gas masks & tin helmets strewn around the tips & it never crossed our minds why? The war was never spoken about & we didn't think it unusual seeing gas masks etc? They could all be still there lying buried.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:51:22 AM
This land was once occupied from the 1860s all the way to the riverside by the Tharsis Sulpher & Copper Company.

N Dunn
Tuesday 6th of May 2014 09:45:53 AM
This was the Portland Cement Works

N Dunn
Monday 5th of May 2014 02:29:53 PM
On my 1895 map this is a disused Lead Works

N Dunn
Monday 5th of May 2014 02:29:12 PM
This was a small Travelling Fairground' on spare land called locally 'The square'. The Fair was probably there for just one week & then it would move on to another Town.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:49:15 AM
This was known as 'Reyrolle's Bottom Works' & the other part across the railway lines was the 'Newtown Works'.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:46:52 AM
This area was known locally as 'The Bauxite'. Not a lot is recorded about this 'British Aluminium Co' apart from it produced Aluminium Hydroxide from the ore known as 'Bauxite'. A lot of waste known as red mud was a by-product of the process & it was dumped on the site producing hillocks/mounds of this red mud. It was fenced off to keep people off it.

N Dunn
Sunday 4th of May 2014 10:45:47 AM
In the 1960s to mid 70s when it closed forever this Factory was RW Transmissions a gearbox & gear making Company. Previously it had been George Angus another gear making company. Previous to that it had been the Reay Gear Works who'd bought the buildings in the late 1920s. The buildings were originally Platers Sheds belonging to Newcastle Shipbuilding Co who started in 1919 & went bankrupt 1921.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:35:12 AM
Hawthorn Leslie's Shipyard at the bottom of Ellison St

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:30:56 AM
This terrace of properties was known as Tyne View Tce and had belonged to the Tennant Co. Shortly after this aerial photo was taken it was demolished. My maternal side of the family, the McNeill's lived at Tyne view from the 1930s to when it was demolished in the 50s.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:30:03 AM
This expanse of clay wasteland is where Tennant's Chemical Co was from the mid 1800s.

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:27:30 AM
The Newtown Club

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:25:44 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:25:18 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:24:55 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:24:22 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:24:07 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:23:42 AM

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:23:18 AM
Whites Marine on Prince Consort Rd

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:22:22 AM
The Ballast Hill

N Dunn
Saturday 26th of April 2014 09:21:33 AM