Coventry: the pre-war city
About the group Collecting together images of Coventry before the blitz
Created 25 September 2013
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing.
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
Because of the occupation of the Ordnance Works by the Admiralty from 1938 this area suffered badly from the bombing
Bob Curtis |
General view from south-east. 30 May 1939. EPW061112
Nat |
View from the west, inner part of Spon Street in foreground. 30 May 1939. EPW061111
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General view of city from south. 30 May 1939. EPW061109
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Far Gosford Street from the north. 30 May 1939. EPW061107
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Centre of city from west, including Broadgate and the Council House. 30 May 1939. EPW061106
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West of city from the south. 30 May 1939. EPW061105
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Western part of Gosford Street, looking south.30 May 1939. EPW061104
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Veiw from far south. 30 May 1939. EPW061103
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More distant view from west. 18 May 1937 series. EPW053110
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City from north-west. 18 May 1937 series. EPW053109
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Eastern side of city. 18 May 1937 series. EPW053108
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View from north-west. 18 May 1937 series. EPW053106
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Farthest east edge of city. 18 May 1937 series. EPW053104
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From south, 18 May 1937 series. EPW053103
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Final image in the Wickman series. Corporation Street in the background. May 1935. EPW047174
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Closer to Corporation Street. May 1935. EPW047173
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View more to the north with Corporation Street in the background. May 1935. EPW047172
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Still further towards the east. May 1935. EPW047171
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Rather more distant view towards Holy Trinity & St Michael's. May 1935. EPW047170
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Close-up view towards market. May 1935. EPW047169
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View from west towards city centre. May 1935. EPW047168
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Corporation street from east. 1 July 1931. EPW035762
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Corporation Street, further out. 1 July 1931. EPW035763
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Corporation Street close-up. 1 July 1931. EPW035764
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Corporation Street in middle distance. 1 July 1931. EPW035765
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South-west corner of historic city
Nat |
Date: May 1920
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View from the north-west, May 1920
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Nat |
see image record