EPW001414 ENGLAND (1920). General view of the town, Gravesend, from the north-east, 1920

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Title [EPW001414] General view of the town, Gravesend, from the north-east, 1920
Reference EPW001414
Date 7-June-1920
Place name GRAVESEND
Easting / Northing 565167, 174189
Longitude / Latitude 0.3768599809003, 51.442086386235
National Grid Reference TQ652742


Pavilion skating rink,though taken over by the military by this time.

Saturday 18th of September 2021 10:21:13 AM
Gravesend Station, the footbridge shown was removed and replaced in November 2013.

Monday 26th of December 2016 08:55:27 PM
This is Clarendon Road,Gravesend, kent, many of my family lived here, my great great grandfather Henry William Martin built the whole street, and many more in gravesand, luckily my grandparents house is just in the photo.

Tuesday 3rd of May 2016 04:05:44 PM

Thursday 31st of December 2015 06:54:32 PM
thr fountain ph

Thursday 31st of December 2015 06:51:58 PM
Fort House, the home of General Gordon who was based in Gravesend from 1865 to 1871. As repairs were required to the property, he initially resided in Harmer Street. For further details, see: http://www.discovergravesham.co.uk/famous-people/general-gordon.html In 1944 a V2 rocket exploded nearby, the building was badly damaged and was subsequently demolished - per the Kent History Forum. For a 1902 photograph of the back of the building, see the Francis Frith collection here: http://www.francisfrith.com/uk/gravesend/gravesend-fort-house-1902_49031 For an oil painting of the front of the house, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/paintings/fort-house-gravesend-kent-88965

Saturday 27th of June 2015 12:09:49 PM
The Grand Theatre, Harmer Street.

Monday 1st of December 2014 09:01:55 AM
The City of London PH

Wednesday 23rd of July 2014 06:50:46 AM
The Crown and Thistle PH

Wednesday 23rd of July 2014 06:48:15 AM

Wednesday 23rd of July 2014 06:47:01 AM
The 7th June 1920 was a Monday: note the washing drying in the back yards that can be seen. I may well be wrong on this, but I think the houses that can be seen would have had back yards rather than back gardens. Dinner on a Monday should have been cold meat and soap suds, i.e. left overs from the previous day's Sunday roast joint and mashed potatoes.

Sunday 6th of July 2014 05:51:37 PM
Brewery, Wellington Street. After the brewery was demolished, part of it remained as 'The Jolly Drayman' PH, also nicknamed 'The Coke Oven'.

Sunday 6th of July 2014 10:06:49 AM

Sunday 6th of July 2014 10:03:27 AM
Holy Trinity Parish Church, Milton Place, Milton-next-Gravesend. The church was consecrated in 1845 and demolished in 1963 following a fire.

Sunday 6th of July 2014 09:23:04 AM
This is my families church long before my time, births marriages and deaths would all have been here, my mother my aunt, and my grandfather all went to the holy trinity school which was also burnt down.

Tuesday 3rd of May 2016 04:16:58 PM
Milton Chantry, the oldest building in Gravesend.

Sunday 6th of July 2014 09:14:12 AM
Gun emplacement on New Tavern Fort

Sunday 6th of July 2014 09:12:24 AM
Bat & Ball Cricket Ground.

Mike Floate
Saturday 4th of January 2014 07:09:30 PM
Site of an old ground for Gravesend United FC, now the girls Grammar School.

Mike Floate
Saturday 4th of January 2014 07:07:16 PM

User Comment Contributions

New Tavern Fort in the foreground:

'For a while early in WWII a light Anti-Aircraft gun and a Searchlight were mounted on the infilled 6 inch gun emplacements. There was also temporary sandbagged Light Machine gun positions nearby overlooking the river. Fort House became an office for the administration of local food rationing, but a German V2 Rocket fell nearby and the building was badly damaged and had to be demolished. The Victorian and 1904 Magazines were used as Air-Raid shelters for a while, then reportedly the Victorian Magazines were used as a temporary Civil Defence Control Centre and then as a radio relay or monitoring station, two high steel pylon towers were constructed for this purpose. An Air Raid Wardens post was also built near the ditch at the south end of the Fort,this was demolished in the 1980's.' http://www.medwaylines.com/newtavernfort.htm

Sunday 21st of June 2015 10:45:26 PM