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eastcres added a pin to image EPW005054 - "Countess Ann cchool" |
7 years ago
eastcres added a pin to image EAW053003 - "Countess Ann my primary school from 1952-1957" |
7 years ago
eastcres replied to a pin on image EPW061270 - "Northcotts is the next building along from the park gates..." |
7 years ago
eastcres added a pin to image EAW050563 - "Countess Ann my school from 1952-1957" |
7 years ago
eastcres added a comment to the image EAW049353 - "We called it Carters Pond" |
7 years ago
eastcres added a pin to image EAW049353 - "I used to play here in the late 50s after it was drained" |
7 years ago
eastcres added a pin to image EPW005054 - "28 Batterdale my home from 1947-1960" |
7 years ago
eastcres joined the site and created a profile. |
7 years ago