EPW015028 ENGLAND (1926). The golf course and cricket ground, Walsall, 1926

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Title [EPW015028] The golf course and cricket ground, Walsall, 1926
Reference EPW015028
Date 12-April-1926
Place name WALSALL
Easting / Northing 402129, 297154
Longitude / Latitude -1.9685829905536, 52.571845165534
National Grid Reference SP021972


This is Walsall Municipal Golf Course. The former site of Walsall Golf Club.

John Llewellyn
Monday 30th of November 2015 02:18:11 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:14:22 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:12:13 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Thursday 22nd of May 2014 02:10:38 PM
The Gables, the first clubhouse of Walsall Golf Club. Became a private residence again as the 1931 Walsall Red Book lists a Mr S. G. Wheway as living there. The Gables was demolished around 1960.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 08:00:19 PM
Golf tee plateau, possibly the lady's tee in front. These are still visible today.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:51:36 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:49:53 PM
The frontage of these two houses is on Highgate Road.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:49:18 PM
Birmingham Road

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:47:23 PM
What is now Highgate Drive. Once a continuation of Follyhouse Lane I believe, down to the turn were the house is.

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:46:18 PM

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:44:18 PM

User Comment Contributions

Now I know what my mother meant when she used to say "we used to stroll over the golf links". Not strictly accurate as the course wasn't a links course, but I know what you meant Mom!

Sandwell Street Kid
Tuesday 29th of April 2014 07:43:53 PM