eaw029092 ENGLAND (1950). Immingham Dock, Immingham, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Title [EAW029092] Immingham Dock, Immingham, 1950. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Reference EAW029092
Date 4-May-1950
Place name IMMINGHAM
Easting / Northing 520209, 415116
Longitude / Latitude -0.18244345855955, 53.618534505216
National Grid Reference TA202151


Location of a gun pit for a 2ndWW HAA Gun Battery at Immingham (GDA Humber), designation number -/H22. Two of the admin/accommodation huts survive nearby.

Saturday 23rd of February 2019 10:55:44 PM
Location of the gun pits for a 2ndWW HAA Gun Battery at Immingham (GDA Humber), designation number L/-.

Saturday 23rd of February 2019 09:16:14 PM
The corner as shown here is "flat." At a later date - mid to late 1950s - it had a built-up camber made on the outer edge to help road tankers get round.

Thursday 5th of October 2017 04:41:25 PM
This was the stable for the pony (for trap) owned by the man who operated the site. The pony was called 'Bonnie.'

Thursday 5th of October 2017 01:20:50 PM
This was a large raw-sewage tank that extended from below ground to well above ground. Looking in the various grids on top was like looking into the abyss! All was fairly still until the pumps started up in the pump house, and then the whole lot move northwards to the Humber!

Thursday 10th of August 2017 03:38:32 PM
Immingham Church

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:36:06 AM
King's Road Chapel

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:32:24 AM
The approximate position of Queens Road tram stop. The lines to this stop were laid and the posts which supported the overhead wires can be seen on this photo, but no fare-paying passenger was ever carried. A "proving car" ran from "Immingham Town" (NOT Immingham Village!!) every so many months for many years to keep the right of way, but no service was ever provided. The metalwork was given for the war effort in WW2 and all trace was removed by 1955.

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:24:29 AM
Five coal hoists in a row along the quayside, all for exporting coal. By 2000 Immingham was a major coal importer.

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:16:27 AM
Fisons Ltd, a major investment after WW2. Other new industries were attracted to the south bank of the Humber from Killingholme to Grimsby. The duly supplanted the original industries of coal export and fishing.

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:14:03 AM
"The Barracks": accommodation available for train crew on "lodging turns", ie where they could stay overnight when they had travelled to Immingham one day and were due to return to their base - such as London - the next day.

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:12:09 AM
Locomotive turntable

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:08:47 AM
Grimsby District Light Railway; still there in the 2016 resignalling scheme.

Friday 6th of May 2016 10:56:01 PM
Battery Street

Friday 6th of May 2016 10:53:47 PM

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:16:20 AM

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:15:45 AM

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:14:56 AM
The "Tram Hill" (bridge over the railway, which carried the road and tram tracks)

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:12:39 AM
My late Mum, an Immingham girl, daughter of a life-long platelayer on the railway - referred to it as "Tramcar Hill" or sometimes "Tramcar Bridge". I never heard her use the modern abbreviation "Tram", always "Tramcar" or "Car". Thank you for evoking such happy memories.

Friday 6th of May 2016 10:51:40 PM
Hi Dave,

Apparently before WWII this Immingham Town shelter was a wooden shed, but it was decided during the war that a little extra protection might be wise because of the bombing of the docks, so this structure with a concrete roof was built.

Thursday 10th of August 2017 03:41:31 PM
Balloon tethering points (WWII "Blimps")

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:11:09 AM
Pump House, Compressor Station

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:08:37 AM
Compressor Station. This facility pumped raw sewage from Immingham into the Humber.

Tuesday 11th of November 2014 08:07:44 AM
Tram passenger's shelter?

John Wass
Friday 11th of July 2014 08:13:55 PM
Yes, still there in 2012, filled with rubbish, but still there.

Friday 6th of May 2016 10:52:39 PM
The brick shelter (still there in 2012, filled with rubbish, but still there) can be seen near the pin. A tramcar can also be seen reversing, which they all had to do, whether coming from or going to Grimsby. This halt (known locally as "Tramcar Halt") was officially known as "Immingham Town", despite being a good windswept mile from the village.

Monday 19th of September 2016 12:29:13 AM
Immingham Shed 40B.

Brick Collector
Monday 30th of June 2014 08:53:38 PM
Coaling Tower.

Brick Collector
Monday 30th of June 2014 08:52:38 PM
The line of the Grimsby and Immingham Electric Railway

Monday 31st of March 2014 04:38:18 PM
The line of the Grimsby and Immingham Electric Railway

Monday 31st of March 2014 04:36:44 PM