EPW023826 ENGLAND. Gildersome Iron Works, Gildersome, 1928

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Title [EPW023826] Gildersome Iron Works, Gildersome, 1928
Reference EPW023826
Easting / Northing 424873, 428166
Longitude / Latitude -1.6227742584023, 53.749050369303
National Grid Reference SE249282


I'd suggest it's an ex-GNR J3 or J4 loco from Ardsley shed. See https://shedbashuk.blogspot.com/2012/12/ardsley-1958-1963.html It would be lettered LNER on the tender from 1923.

Saturday 28th of November 2020 01:29:26 PM
This shaft and the other one pinned here i am extremely sure are ventilation shafts for the long disused gildersome tunnel?

Saturday 5th of March 2016 03:47:30 PM
site of colliery

Friday 14th of February 2014 11:28:44 AM
The works of Robert Hudson Ltd manufacturers of light railway equipment.

Friday 14th of February 2014 11:08:52 AM
Asquith Avenue

Thursday 16th of May 2013 11:26:40 PM
Stonepits Lane

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:41:26 AM

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:34:53 AM

Tiny Tim
Monday 5th of November 2012 04:32:57 AM
This does not look like a tank engine, as there are no tanks beside the boiler. The space between the cab and the tender seem rather wide and the tender not low enough. Some ex-LNWR loco, which I think this is probably one, had cabs built on the front of their tenders to provide better protection for the crew. There does not appear to be a bunker attached to the rear of the cab that supports it being tender engine.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 09:01:26 AM
Not the normal sort of architecture for a brickworks which would normally have wide kiln doors.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 08:59:53 AM
these buildings were probably the earliest part of the Robert Hudson Ltd works.

Friday 14th of February 2014 11:22:01 AM
Horse and cart

Sunday 4th of November 2012 08:59:14 AM
There appear to be lines, or ‘shadows’ of line running across this tip area towards the road.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 08:58:27 AM
These look like strings of narrow gauge tipper wagons of the sort used to carry sand or clay. with ‘V’ shaped skips that are all hanging to one side to stop them filling up with rain.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 08:57:17 AM
As it turns out you're precisely correct. Hudson's made narrow gauge tipper wagons for most of the life of the company.

Tiny Tim
Friday 9th of November 2012 04:35:24 PM
Wagon turntable?

Harbon 1
Saturday 3rd of November 2012 07:17:25 PM
Army vehicles?

Harbon 1
Saturday 3rd of November 2012 06:59:28 PM
Platelayers' or gangers' hut for permanent way staff

Saturday 3rd of November 2012 05:19:39 PM
Building- Possibly Terraced houses?

Saturday 3rd of November 2012 02:57:33 PM
Tennis clubhouse, with veranda, flower beds & courts?

Friday 24th of August 2012 03:03:43 PM
Damage to image.

Friday 17th of August 2012 02:05:10 AM
Embankment. For what?

Tiny Tim
Monday 16th of July 2012 10:47:36 PM
I think its a road. If you follow the line of it to a road, you get to the buildings at the very top of the image.

Saturday 3rd of November 2012 03:24:52 PM
It is a road, Asquith Avenue.


Thursday 16th of May 2013 11:14:48 PM
circular test track with engine?

Sunday 15th of July 2012 06:12:27 PM
See http://www.lmssociety.org.uk/assets/protophotos/D1666.jpg

Sunday 15th of July 2012 09:20:15 AM
Brake van at the rear looks like Midland Railway or LMS

Friday 6th of July 2012 01:05:03 AM
Another airshaft.

Monday 2nd of July 2012 04:35:03 PM

Thursday 16th of May 2013 11:13:10 PM
This air shaft was over the L.N.W.R. Gildersome Tunnel on the Leeds New Line. The shaft has been covered over with a large concrete slab which is visible from Asquith Avenue.

Brick Collector
Monday 2nd of June 2014 11:01:17 PM
tower or air shaft for tunnel

john m fallas
Saturday 30th of June 2012 02:12:55 PM
Another Airshaft, to a now abandoned train line



Thursday 16th of May 2013 11:19:31 PM
Unusual Shed/ Barn. Found myself thinking of RAF Upper Heyford.

Saturday 30th of June 2012 03:02:10 AM
Railway Locomotive (looks like Tank engine, but I'm no expert).

Saturday 30th of June 2012 02:55:23 AM
LMS (fuzzy) Goods Wagon ?

Saturday 30th of June 2012 02:47:30 AM

User Comment Contributions

Hudson foundry was one of the largest industrial and narrow gauge railway manufacturers in Britain, their trackand "V" or "rugga" waggons are world famous, they built hundreds of miles of temporary track and waggons for the railways of the western front in world war one, and in co-operation with Hunslet engine company in leeds they also built steam and petrol locos



if you look on here, there are Hudson wagons and a Hudson point lever:


and some survivors on the ffestiniog railway:





the circular trak was to test their locos abd wagons round the tight corners that they were built for

theres a lot more I could go into, but ill leave it for now.

Friday 4th of April 2014 01:19:37 PM
Definitely Gildersome Foundry. Compare field boundaries with 1st Series 25000 OS map on National Library of Scotland.


Thursday 7th of March 2013 01:32:38 PM
I think I've found it. It's the Gildersome Foundry of Robert Hudson Ltd. If I'm correct, the lane on the right of the photo passing under the railway is Nepshaw Lane. The railway is gone and there's very little else left.

Tiny Tim
Friday 16th of November 2012 02:44:37 PM
Thanks Tiny Tim, a great "spot". We'll update the catalogue record. The correct location data will appear here in due course; as we're just about to complete the previous upload of correct locations, the next revision won't be until later in the year - but rest assured, the update will go ahead thanks to your help.

Yours, Katy

Britain from Above Cataloguing Team Leader

Katy Whitaker
Friday 16th of November 2012 02:44:37 PM
In the 1970's I once visited a United Carriers Depot at Gildersome. I think the address was Gildersome New Road. Does anyone know if it was near this location?

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:53:33 AM
According to Wikipedia Robert Hudson Ltd. was a major supplier of light railway materials and had an internal 2foot gauge tramway. It also had a connection to the Great Northern line from Wakefield to Bradford. The Morley Tunnel of the London & North Western Railway would have run underground in the vicinity of the works which could explain the airshafts.

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:49:25 AM
The airshafts are from the Gildersome Tunnel and not the Morley Tunnel.

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:49:25 AM
Well done Tiny Tim! You've got this one. It all stacks up and explains why there is a tramway in the works. The old maps show everything as it was in the photo.

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:33:52 AM
I've found a map on Old Maps which shows the Gildersome Foundry with the LNER railway from Ardsley to Laisterdyke marked. Nepshaw Lane has the alignment of the road to the right of the photogrsph. There is a tunnel underneath the area called Gildersome Tunnel and it aligns very well with the airshafts.

Monday 5th of November 2012 08:30:00 AM
Yes, that's definitely it! The air vents are from the Gildersome railway tunnel, and as Hudson's specialised in narrow gauge rail technology it's no surprise that they have a circular miniature railway on site. The embankment on the left carries what is now Asquith Avenue. The houses at the extreme top right of the photo are still there, although the 'chapel' building is actually only a single storey, and presently some kind of health clinic. The big house below Asquith Avenue, Dean Hall, has gone, replaced by modern housing. The M621 has changed the landscape a bit. The railway is the LNER, formerly the Great Northern. There are further sidings belonging to the factory out of shot to the left. Noticeably absent are Hudson's two Bessemer converters, these might also be out of shot (they'd be quite a fire hazard) or may have gone out of use in the post-WWI economic depression.

Tiny Tim
Monday 5th of November 2012 08:02:43 AM
There is something rather strange about this picture of what appears to be a relatively flat landscape with railway and main road crossing it while the ventilation shafts suggest another railway or canal below the surface. As a railway would seem unlikely, a number of canals have been checked but no useful evidence has been found. It does not seem to be linked to its neighbouring numbers which are for Stanningley near Shipley and Chadkirk near Stockport.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 11:45:18 AM
Aerial photographs have a flattening effect on landscapes. The embankment (top left) shows that this area is far from as flat as it appears. There's been a suggestion on RailUK Forums that the air shafts are for mineworkings rather than tunnels.

Tiny Tim
Sunday 4th of November 2012 11:45:18 AM
John and Glen pointed out the airshafts. There can't be many places where one substantial railway crosses another in a lengthy tunnel, so that must narrow the location down a bit?

Sunday 4th of November 2012 09:02:08 AM
Could be a canal tunnel. Obvious place to look is Standedge. I did. It isn't.

Tiny Tim
Monday 15th of October 2012 09:00:36 PM
I have checked out Harecastle - also does not fit.

Sunday 4th of November 2012 09:02:08 AM
There is a good deal of disturbed land to the right of the picture. Perhaps this is to do with sand & gravel extraction/brick and tile manufacture? There are a few wagons waiting in the siding to be filled? There are what might be stacks of tiles/bricks etc all over the site. And I am wondering if the dark shape near the horse could be the remnants of an excavator (it doesn't look quite right for a building).

Wednesday 12th of September 2012 11:59:41 PM
If the circular railway is a recreational feature that would go well with the tennis courts next door. Not many employers provided facilities like this.

Tiny Tim
Wednesday 12th of September 2012 03:27:57 AM
The circular track is very small, compare the size of the 'engine' to the (further away) wagons on the railway. If it's actually rails it must be narrow gauge, almost miniature. Who would need such a facility? There doesn't seem to be any access from the rest of the site.

Tiny Tim
Sunday 2nd of September 2012 05:20:57 PM
Yes, its too narrow to be of use in an industrial sense, and there would be better access to the worksshops if it was. Could it be a children's recreational area, with picnic tables around it? It has the look of a "pretend" engine and wagon.

Sunday 2nd of September 2012 05:20:57 PM