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Original Text (Annotation: EAW005189 / 931733)

' There is a staggered cross road here, with the Bull PH on the north east corner and the church on the north west corner. On the south east corner is a house, the front garden of which contains a sign post. One of the destinations is not to Coxheath, but to Coxheath Union. Although the Union has been painted over in white, the letters stand proud and are quite clear. This is a sad reminder of the route to the workhouse at Coxheath which was a joint provision (hence 'Union') for Maidstone and a number of other parishes. The workhouse became a geriatric hospital under the NHS and was demolished in the 1990s. The laundry which served Maidstone Hospital followed in the 2000s and all, save the chapel and nurses' home is covered by a housing estate. The nurses' home was the headquarters of Kent Ambulance Service / Kent Ambulance NHS Trust, and is now an area office of the South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust '