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Original Text (Annotation: WAW006739 / 2020395)

' This is the OLD Tiddly Wink or The Pilots Rest. The last family to live there were the Jenkins,. Lew Jenkins was my Grandfather his wife, my grandmother was Tilly Jenkins there has three children Nancy, my mother, Gwen, and Mary. Richard Burton father stayed with the family. When Richard Burton had a world premiere of one of his films, Dick, his father invited my mother Nancy to attend the premiere and my mother said yes, but she would go and see a cousin in London, I know Richard Burton eldest sister. I knew here as Mrs James. She was one of the loveliest people you could ever wish to meet. I used to call in for a glass of water when she lived on the old Baglan road, she used to give me 2/6 (old money) I never ever wanted the money, she was such a warm person I remember from my childhood with the fondest memory it is possible for anyone to have from their childhood. My mother used to take all the children of the family down the docks and light a fire in the old house, we used to take a trip on the workmen s ferry's I used to feel like a King on that boat! '