
Airspeed (York)

About the group Airspeed AS.4 Ferry, built in 'that old bus garage' in Piccadilly, York

Created 31 August 2013

[EPW039746] The Airspeed AS.4 Ferry (G-ABSI) flying over the Carrow Works and Norwich Ciy Football Ground, Norwich, from the north-west, 1932

Sunday 29th of September 2013 08:42:24 PM
[EPW037850] The Airspeed AS.4 Ferry G-ABSI "Youth of Britain II" in flight, 1932

(see other images in group for background information)

Saturday 31st of August 2013 11:46:06 PM
Built in "that old bus garage" in Piccadilly, York (still standing, but probably not for much longer: York doesn't value its 20th century history)'s-square

Saturday 31st of August 2013 11:44:04 PM
"Airspeed Ltd was established in Piccadilly, York in 1931 to build aeroplanes including the AS.4 Ferry, designed by A. H. Tiltman and Nevil Shute the famous writer.

The Airspeed AS.4 Ferry was a three-engined 10-seat biplane airliner. A pleasure flying airliner built for Sir Alan Cobham, the Ferry was an unusual configuration biplane with a third engine mounted in the upper wing, designed to give the pilot a better view.

The first aircraft built, G-ABSI Youth of Britain II, first flew on 10 April 1932 from Sherburn-in-Elmet."


Saturday 31st of August 2013 11:27:21 PM