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Original Text (Annotation: EPW041396 / 808207)
St Osyth's Priory Convalescent Home
Grade 1 listed - English Heritage Building ID: 120031
Convalescent home incorporating circa 1527 Abbot Vintoners buildings of red brick with black diapering west wing known as The Bishop's Lodging
The 18th Century House- his refers to the building to the left of the entry road left edge - the two storey brick building remains, a western section was demolished in 1859.
The Bishops Lodging - the portion of the building directly facing the approach road - largely rebuilt 1866-1869. Internally, apparent wooden cross beams disguise iron girders.
Along the right edge of the approach road- The Clock Tower and the South Wing - the 16th C clock tower gained its cupola in the 18th C. '