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Original Text (Annotation: EPW041397 / 808189)
The Drying House.
Some confusion between this building and the larger rectangular building to its left. Viewing the large louvered opening (hidden in deep shadow in this image) clearly marks this as a drying house. Possibly used to store the grain for the brew house.
This small square building has unfortunately been listed as the Brewing House. Its purpose is clear from the lack of windows and on the left side a large louvered opening. The brewing house is the larger rectangular building to the left.
Late 18th C.
THIS BUILDING listing entry - ‘BREWHOUSE NORTH WEST OF GATEHOUSE Grade 2-English Heritage Building ID: 120027- seems to apply to the smaller building, which has more recently been identified as the drying house.
The adjacent larger building is listed as "OUTBUILDING ADJACENT NORTHWEST OF BREWHOUSE" and "16th C or earlier foundations, used as dairy"- however this is now considered to be a late 18th C building and the Brewing House. It is apparently a Scheduled Ancient Monument but that may be in error. '