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Original Text (Annotation: EPW041396 / 808141)
The Gatehouse and East and West Flanking Ranges
Grade 1 listed - English Heritage Building ID: 120020
Gatehouse and east and west flanking ranges, now a dwelling. Late C15 gatehouse, late C15 west range. East range with late C15 facade incorporates early medieval features including an earlier gatehouse. Knapped flint, flint and septaria, stone dressings. Red plain tiled roofs to east and west ranges
Built as the new main entrance to the monastic complex in the late 15th century.
There are lower two-storey lodging ranges flanking the Gatehouse to the east and west. The final bay of the east range
retains evidence that it was built as the original gatehouse in the late 13th century. The Gatehouse and its wings were converted into a separate dwelling in the 1950s by de
Scheduled Ancient Monument '