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Original Text (Annotation: EAW014524 / 710651)
In the churchyard are four statues, all Grade 2* listed.
Unfortunately we cannot identify them in this aerial image (above), but this churchyard contains four medieval carvings, one at each corner of the older smaller churchyard, each about four feet high and depicting a beast with a stone column.
The creature on the NW side is asleep, the next is attacked by a small creature (now worn off but the original beast is looking over its shoulder); then the beast fights the small creature, and then finally looks very happy (and maybe not so hungry). Sometimes described as bears, that is rather fanciful and there is no clear indication what they are.
The copyright on this image (to left) of one of the statues is owned by Humphrey Bolton and is licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons - Attribution- ShareAlike 2.0 license. '