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Original Text (Annotation: EPW014020 / 639413)
The Theatre Royal on Lyon St. The rear doors were on Carr St. It opened as a Music Hall in 1897 & at one time Stan Laurel's father Arthur Jefferson managed it. I went to the Matinees they held on Saturday's in the late 1940s but I can't remember what it looked like as I was only 5 or 6.I lived 50 yds away across the road from it on Lyon St. My ambition is to obtain a good quality photo of it rather than the newspaper cutting I have. On Friday night Oct 6th 1950 a fire started inside the Theatre & by the 7th it had burned down. I never ever saw the next episode I had been looking forward to seeing at the time. (Might have been Marvelman or something as I cant remember). The cutting is from my website '