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Original Text (Annotation: EAW001350 / 525457)

' This is most likely one of the Southern Railway cross channel ferries - the Isle of Sark, Isle of Jersey or the Isle of Guernsey. These three distinctive two funnel ships operated between Southampton, the Channels Islands and St Malo. The Channel Islands traffic was later concentrated at Weymouth, while the St Malo route was dropped. I can remember my father being both up set and annoyed that British Railways had ended the ferry services of the former Southern Railway at Southampton, the Cherbourg service also ending in the 1960s, being taken over by a private operator. The ship is beside the Southern Railway terminal complete with platform for the 'boat train' from Waterloo. Indeed the line can be traced back though the turn of about 100 degrees, across Canute Road Southampton Terminus station. There is another vessel that could also be one of these ships close to the Harland and Wolff buildings at the right hand side of the picture. All three would have been having refits after the 1939-45 war, when they saw various service as grey ships. '