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Original Text (Annotation: EPW034472 / 506641)

' The new Holy Innocents' Church (see note) opened in 1884. The Rev. Lambart Edwards needed a home for his wife and five children, and built a large vicarage on the hillside above the church, as he could not wait for the grant of £1,500 which the Ecclesiastical Commissioners had promised him by 1886. As the Springfield Estate gradually enclosed the church, the then vicar of Holy Innocents' moved to a new, smaller house at Roe Green in 1931. The old vicarage was sold to the estate's developer, Laings, who let it to the Church of England Adoption Society as a babies’ home. By 1939, the former vicarage was being used as a home for Jewish refugee children from Germany. After the war, it became a girls’ home run by the Dr Barnardo’s charity. In 1958 it was acquired by Middlesex County Council, who demolished it in order to extend the playing fields of the neighbouring Oliver Goldsmith School. '