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Original Text (Annotation: EPW035824 / 404391)

' Operated by the prestigious local firm H.H. Martyn & Co. between 1906 and 1971, the Sunningend works was involved in a huge range of skilled engineering and craft trades. It was a specialist in monuments and architechtural features in stone, wood and metal, and the Speaker’s chair and Despatch Boxes in the House of Commons were made here, as were many fittings on the Titanic. The company also at various times branched out into building Wolseley cars and assembling aeroplanes, having taken over a neighbouring foundry and an engine works. This area has been an industrial estate since the 19th century because of its proximity to the railway, starting with the Vulcan Iron Works in 1872. You can see the workmen beginning to paint "H.H. MARTYN" on the roof! '