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Original Text (Annotation: EPW048456 / 2175239)
Victoria Square. Laid out c.1880s on the site of Betty Muggleworths House (old cottage in Weston. Demolished c.1840s). Large house called Wolvesnewton stood at the western edge c.1880s. Wolvesnewton is now part of the Sandringham Hotel. The centre of the square is a putting green c.1920s. Originally another square connected to the existing one. Built over c.1900. South side terrace c.1890s by Hans Price. North side terrace c.1900. On the eastern side was the Salisbury Hotel. c.1900. Originally houses, converted to hotel, 20th c. Modernised 1961. Bought by Bristol City Council in 1973. Sold by Avon County Council in 1980 due to it's use for social services decreasing. Purchased in mid 1980s and subsequently demolished in 1988 for the Sovereign Centre.
St Margaret's Terrace - laid out 1880s. Terrace built on South side in 1887. Designed by Hans Price. The end terrace (#5) is named Granby House and was used as a Lance and Lance Living In House for female staff. Entrance to Royal Arcade at the east end. 1891. Destroyed by enemy bombing in 1942. Phillip Hughes Postcard Palace was a shop on the corner of the arcade. '