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Original Text (Annotation: epw025382 / 216409)

' This is the bus garage operated by the National Omnibus & Transport Co. It was built in c1922 to run local bus services on behalf of the London General Omnibus Company. There's a single decker bus at the back of the garage. National Omnibus had a complicated history but basically it was absorbed into London General Country Services in 1932 and became part of the London Transport Country Bus and Green Line Coach Division in 1933. This garage was in use until 1959 when a brand-new garage was opened for London Transport (LT) almost opposite next to the railway. London Country Buses took over the London Transport services in 1970. However both bus garages are now history and the sites have been put to other uses. The 1959 garage site is now a housing estate. Anyone remember the old green RT double deckers on the 303 and 303A routes? '