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Original Text (Annotation: EAW000541 / 2056519)
The Pullens Estate, some of the last Victorian tenement buildings surviving in London. The housing blocks have communal open entrances and stairs and amenity space on the roofs. They have purpose-built yards and workshops to the rear of the dwellings. Pullen’s workshops were erected in mews type buildings at the rear of the tenement blocks, with doorways connecting the two. The estate also included a small number of shops, mostly located at the entrances to the yards.
During the 1980s the buildings between Manor Place and the South side of Amelia Street were demolished by the council using their housing improvement powers. The demolition of the rest of the estate was prevented when squatters, intent on preserving the remainder of an individual late Victorian estate, occupied some of the blocks. 360 of the original 684 flats remain. '