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Original Text (Annotation: EAW005297 / 2038327)

' SA Class trolleybus operating on either route 691 from Barkingside, or 693 from Chadwell Heath, to Barking. The three SA (South Africa) classes were non standard trolleybuses on the London system. Consisting of 43 trolleybuses that were destined for Durban and Johannesburg in South Africa, but prevented from doing so by wartime restrictions, they were taken into LTPB ownership to substitute for their own war damaged trolleybuses. Confined to Ilford depot due to the fact they were taller and wider than the standard trolleybus. Ilford was the only area in london without railway bridges to cause problems due to their size. However, it still required a special dispensation from the Metropolitan Police to allow them to run. The Trolleybuses destined for Durban were recognisable by their upper deck windows having darkened glass (to protect passengers from the hot Natal sun). '