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Original Text (Annotation: EAW044313 / 2031009)
A trolleybus at the Manor House terminus, one of at least ten that can be found in this photograph. Only one route actually terminated here, the 623 from woodford (Napier Arms) introduced on Sunday 18th October 1936, extended from From the Ferry Boat Inn, Tottenham which was the original terminus of the tram it replaced. Joined over time by seven other routes passing through - 627, 659, and 679 along the Seven Sisters Road, and 521, 621, 629, and 641 along Green Lanes. This was therefore a busy junction on the system, in 1950 over 274 trolleybuses an hour passed through the junction, and a further 15 on route 623 turning and terminating in front of the LT traffic offices. As has been noted in other photos, tram service 33 also terminated at the juction with Green Lanes until withdrawal in April of 1952. With the trolleybus to diesel bus conversion plan under way route 623 was the first to be withdrawn, 26th April 1960, followed by the others over the next 18 months. 627, 629, 659 and 679 went on the 25th April 1961, and the final routes - 641, 521 / 621 went on the 7th November 1961. '